Jaime pressly in joe dirt

jaime pressly in joe dirt

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Walter Matthau in Grumpy Old Men

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damn margot robbie seen better days


Easily the hottest woman to ever live

Michael Jai White in Jaime Pressly

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Amy Smart in Crank.

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dey realz did it

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For me it's Jaime Pressley in DOA

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more like amy FART

I like that she represents Uncle Sam but I wasn't AS attracted to her in DOA.
That was a very drunk night.

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Jaime Pressly in ab-straps, her tender, bare feet completely defenseless

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now post the twin

is she giving birth to a full grown man?

wrong girl, easy mistake to make

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you're a 5/10 girl
but my life
my love
my lady
is a meteorite

Based feetposter

I like her, I like feet, but these aren't doing it for me. I think I see yellow.

Jamie wins

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Yeah she was really good in that, she still had hairy arms. Everything after that, waxed retard.

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Hairy arms are the only hairy part I can accept on a chick. Dated a girl with hairy nipples once, I put a stop to that. Stubbly legs are fine. Her penis was shaved though