Was she male or female?

On all planes beside genetical she was female after all

Attached: skindeep.jpg (500x375, 30.17K)

>this is what trannies think they look like
lmao, even

daily reminder she's supposed to be the #1 most attractive supermodel in the world in the house universe

>Was she
you answered your own question

She was ugly

He just like me fr
Also Natalie Mars needed to stop a few surgeries ago, she's starting to look bogged

Fucking hated this episode, and usually I'm a fan of the daddy-daughter pornography genre too. They were all acting like she was this other-worldly beauty, but she really wasn't at all. MAYBE BECAUSE THE RETARDS AT CASTING HIRED A 28 YEAR OLD TO PLAY A 15 YEAR OLD? yeah? thats probably it.

she was born with a vagina tho, but it was a boy according to House. I believe House. I believe House made me gey in this episode

Male, House said so.

random background characters mogged her

>Angles, makeup and filters
Imagine putting Natalie Mars on the right with those fucking shoulders.

the characters condition is closer to a hermaphrodite than a troon

She was a hermaphrodite.

I like her

Attached: cameron-richardson-7068574-1.jpg (1280x960, 110.31K)

Lol, they must've tried really hard to make her look sickly in the show.

male but I wouldn't consider you gay if you would I probably would

She was a smoking hot 15 year old who willfully seduced older men, even daddy, so she's okay by me.

>she's supposed to be the #1 most attractive supermodel in the world in the house universe
No she isn't. She's a famous up and coming one though. She gets nervous because some designer is among the people present in the runway which means that she's still not up there where she has worked with the best fags in the game.

intersex people are extremely, extremely rare and are considered effected by a birth defect

people who point to them as a way to justify gender bullshit and transexuality may as well point to downs syndrome as an example of why having two of your 21st chromosome isn't normal - the exception proves the rule

People don't usually look very healthy when they aren't

well, she was sick...

tldr she ugly and wouldn't even be a models assistant