Post psychological kinos

Post psychological kinos.

Attached: The.Fountain.webm (1920x1080, 2.87M)

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I unironically had a similar experience to that while tripping and I have never seen this movie. The exact same thing with the white dot exploding and shit.
It was cool.

Enter the Void

You had a seizure.

Not really. After the explosion I just snapped back into reality and nobody was none the wiser despite telling them about the experience. From their perspective I was just hanging around with them normally, talking, etc. The only odd thing is that every now and then I would close my eyes for a bit as I was falling sleep.

That is 'the source'
you'll know in time

as if I was falling sleep*

Attached: 1613448385523.jpg (1082x1200, 416.63K)

Aronofsky's best work.

u r a b1g fag

Attached: peek-a-boo.jpg (250x249, 5.14K)

4 u

Interesting, I came in contact with what I could only refer to as the "source of all things" in my last shroom trip. That was something else.

Ad astra

You mean spiritual not psychological. Crucify the ego before its far too late.


That's "God" user. You should really watch the movie.

Attached: 2432424.jpg (691x1024, 121.91K)

>That's "God" user.
It didn't "feel" like God or at least not what most people think of as God. It was more like a location, a place or realm that has existed and will exist for all eternity.
>You should really watch the movie
Already did, I really liked it.

seizures doesn't work like that pal

t. epileptic

watch Tree of Life by Malick or Knight of Cups

>It was more like a location, a place or realm that has existed and will exist for all eternity
I think that's the Purgatory

The holy mountain is the epitome of this genre Imho

Very kino.