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>Baldrick you're the stupidest stupid since King Stupid the stupid fished for stupid in the Stupid Mountains.
*audience shits and cums it's pants for 20 minutes*

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ahh! you have a WOMAN'S thread m'lord! I'll bet this dainty discussion has never gotten 404'd for derailing into a storming typhoon of tranny wojaks and racial IQ debates!

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>hum who what!
Do Americans know the Prince waffle waffle is house?

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>Congratulations on being crowned King Charles III, King Charles III.

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But did they make amends?


Blackadder 1 was kino
It had so much more wit and soul than the last three which all took place in the same three sets and just had the same handful of jokes over and over and over again

>In January 2005, Tony Robinson told ITV's This Morning that Rowan Atkinson was more keen than he has been in the past to do a fifth series, set in the 1960s (centred on a rock band called the "Black Adder Five", with Baldrick – a.k.a. 'Bald Rick' – as the drummer).
thank god they didn't make a fifth season

>blackadder season 5
>it's set in a sci-fi future

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there was a bit of that in the christmas special

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It's King Edward VIII

ol slack bladder

House, Hagrid and Mr bean.

Tory party hustings.

Baldrick that’s about as funny as getting an arrow in the neck only to find there’s a gas bill attached to it.

Did you vanquish the nibbly pibblys?

No I didn’t vanquish the nibbly pibblys because you just made them up.

Fucking KEK

>I heard the war started when a bloke called Archie Duke shot an ostrich because he was hungry

First for queenie a cute

>Dubs are like sex. Plenty around but I never seem to get any.