Are they right about amazon and rings of power?

are they right about amazon and rings of power?

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Who's right, OP? The random faggots in your faggy twitter screencap? Who gives a shit?

Arise, Sir Baby Sneed, House of Seed and Feed.

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Heard this lil nigga died

I like that screenshot of Daemon. Definitely meme potential.

Lol that grifter likes HotD now?

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He lives in our hearts and minds and that's more than I can say about most people.

RIP lil guy, i know your soil pH is around 7 to 8 max in heaven

They rebooted him as a WHITE child in the Netflix reboot. Total bullshit

There's a reason RoP got five times the reviews and its because of hate tubers like him

What the fuck is that faggot talking about, I have seen a ton of racist on twitter losing their shit over the race swapping for hotd.

You don't think it got more attention and scrutiny because it's Lord of the fucking Rings?

He's saying HBO isn't crying about racism because people actually like their show, unlike Amazon's

"Our Loafers are Gucci"

>because people actually like their show
No they don't. Both shows are trash and have the same of amount of trannies supporting them.

>my slop better than your slop
begun le slop wars has XD

I don't give a shit about your faggoty culture war, but HotD is garbage. This crabmen plot is possibly the dumbest fucking thing I've seen since Dany "kind of forgot" about euron's fleet and a ship-mounted ballista 360 no scoped a dragon through the throat at 10,000 feet distance.

CrabVietnam isn't over. You didn't think it would be easy to conquer a bunch of cave pirates, did you?

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funny how much they hate the RoP but absolutely love HotD.
those chudtubers are weird.

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>circlejerkfags talking about circlejerkfags talking about circlejerkfags
The internet was a mistake, 100% unironically.

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Best example is fat incel floor-pisser The Quartering. He made some absolutely mentally ill number of videos about brie larson back when Captain Marvel came out and because there's so many other fat incel floor-pisser retards out there he got a shit ton of views and money off of it.
Normal people go 'wow that movie was kinda shit' and never think about it again

people unironically watch nerdrotic?

So is anyone going to explain why the mighty racists oppressing the poor multibillionaire companies like HotD? Is literally, and I mean, LITERALLY, the same woke shit as RoP.

Why would Amazon pollute the lore like this?

>There's a reason RoP got five times the reviews
Where is this true? On IMDB it only has 20,000 more reviews than HOTD's approximately 100,000 reviews.

It’s not race swapping when House Valryron was never described as being not Black