ITT: Christian kinos

Noah (2014) has a lot of good stuff if you ignore the typical Hollywood shenanigans.

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Arthouse Jesus kino

Attached: 6B70C575-71C1-42E4-927A-C6F359C2146B.jpg (1170x1711, 2.32M)

So this obviously takes place in the future right? Whats the bare minimum? 100,000 years in the future? A million? There's apparently some clues as to how long it could be.

Isn’t it so funny how right wing religious nutjobs refuse to accept the reality of climate change yet don’t even realize that climate change already happened in the Bible with the story of Noah and the Flood? We are in for another worldwide disaster if we don’t immediately make drastic financial investments into fighting climate change

Damn, never heard of it. What is it about?
>So this obviously takes place in the future right?
I heard some theories but I never got it. Where does this idea that Noah takes place in the future come from?

Noah is such a fun film I never knew it had rock monster angels
I regret not watching this at the theatres

>Last days in the desert
>What is it about?
The title is pretty clear on that.


were they burning fossil fuels back then as well?

Was that the one with the Fire demons and the big war scene at the beginning?

Nah they used some kind of magic mineral called zorah which supposedly held part of the energy of creation

Is Noah naked in this, cursing Ham, like in the Bible?

my bad guess they were just Stone Golem things

For me, it's The Mission

fuck forgot to post this

In the movie he got PTSD for almost killing his newborn granddaughters and watching 99.99% of humanity die, became an alcoholic and his son abandoned him after watching him drunk and naked.

There's scenery of old pipe networks and stuff coming out of the ground. On the Ark there's animals that don't exist and never have as I undedstand. Indicating it's in the very distant future. Then their clothing like the cloth looks synthetic and mechanically perfect.

Also the Willem Dafoe as Jesus movie

Last Days is basically fanfiction of Jesus’s 40 days in the desert. It’s not based on actual biblical events, but that’s kinda what makes it interesting. It’s like a character piece about Jesus on a vision quest.

Christian? Nay, but is Luciferian revisionism meant to falsely redeem the fallen.

Attached: BrotherJustin.jpg (419x233, 8.13K)

>Nay, but is Luciferian revisionism meant to falsely redeem the fallen.
Baby tier /x/ knowledge in my opinion. Everyone who's read the book of Enoch knows the fallen watchers fucked up, they weren't good little angels just trying to help le humanity, they just wanted to satisfy their lust