I think Travis would have been happy and normal if he had a girlfriend

I think Travis would have been happy and normal if he had a girlfriend

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>if he had a girlfriend
he tried to do that
didn't go well

>pooping and shitting sounds
>poops and shits all over your thread

he took her to a porno theater on a first date, he was a fuck up loser like you

No one can be happy in this globalized world, gf or not

Yea maybe because even though stalking her actually worked for some reason, he decided to take her to a shady porno movie for the first date. Dude embodies the hypocritial incel.
>Treats women like shit
>Why dont women like me

Did you even attempt to read the post or are you just that retarded?

The world has always been bad and corrupted, with the elites stomping on the neck of the underclass, nothing has changed. imagine if ever person including your parents was as weak willed and pathetic as you

cope, chud

going on a first date doesnt make a chick your girlfriend. are you slow on purpose or actually an inept piece of shit? im guessing the ladder

So you admit you're retarded. The original post said that the date didn't go well and you attacked him as if he defended the guy. Then you attack me because you're a mouth breathing retard

>The original post said that the date didn't go well
i guess you cant read, ill post it again for your down sydrome ass

>going on a first date doesnt make a chick your girlfriend.

faggots from Any Forums really need to stop coming here

I like to pretend that he married Iris when she got a little older and made a family with her.

You both need to touch grass but at leas6 this user is correct

>incel boomer could go to a date with this

Attached: 1659692896166835.png (934x507, 603.32K)

What are you rambling on about now? Something about Any Forums living rent free lmao

Hey mind your own buiness buddy

My favorite part about this movie is all the chuds who think Travis was the good guy.

you are arguing on a public forum. It is my busniess if i choose it to be.

idk, most normies I've met (work with) are constantly worrying about what to watch on wokeflix or if they're being cucked

It was a joke you mongloid. Holy shit did some inner city school give laptops to their students or something? Would explain the influx of low IQ pants shitters in here

>What are you rambling on about now?
Thanks for clarifying with everyone that you’re illiterate. Mouth breathing tard

>if I ramble and confuse people then I win
Stellar tactics

t. Doesn’t know what rambling means

lol no it might have neutered his neuroticism for a bit but he would have eventually fucked it up and gone back to being a retard