What does this expression convey?

What does this expression convey?

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I'm acting

Demand to speak to the manager

>I demand to speak to the king

Demand to have sex with Sauron

Dukat did everything wrong.

Give me the cheese now motherfucker



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The pungent aroma of a thirty year old camembert

I’ve banged 19 black women.

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She seems to be rather perturbed by something


its just acting, ya dunce

and a damn fine performance at that

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Refuse to be mansplained

I hate the modern trope of "le snarky and aggressive stronk woman who makes quips" so goddamn much. A woman isnt allowed to be calm and soft spoken and rational, she must fly off the handle like a man with testosterone pumping through his body. This is somehow seen as anything other than irrational and short sighted.

Its not likeable or redeeming. Fucking stop.

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ratty wish for cheez

>Fucking stop.
Hello I'm the director. I'm never gonna stop. In fact I will instruct them to do it more

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Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Director.

That's not a face of kindness.

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>when you only get two pumps of pumpkin spice instead of the 5 you asked for

>tfw no aggro elf gf


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>you vill own nussing filthy goyim

>face of kindness
>literally hating a man in the very same tweet

Zip it, chuds.

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I don't know. I have autism

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IFS (I Fucked Sauron)

Is this show going to get any better? First two episodes were shit

>females are not allowed to be le angry
>meanwhile the seething chuddys are angry 24/7

Its almost ironic.

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I said I'm FINE