Blonde (2022)

Today it screens on Venice. Will it be kino?

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INB4 that one faggot that always posts some racist bullshit first

>inb4 walkouts and people vomiting

Will she rap tho?

Can't wait for the leaks
Imagine how Any Forums will react to the blurry shit

>Marilyn Monroe

Attached: 1658296190429341.jpg (1125x664, 114.22K)

I never saw the appeal of Marilyn monroe. Am I gay or that whore was ugly?


does she get dp'd by the kennedys in it


One of us

I don't know, yesterday it rained like hell on eastern italy. I bet today it's so unbearably humid you'd want to jump into the putrid jellyfish infested water beneath

>Blonde receives first ever sitting ovation at Venice due to rampant boners
tomorrows headline

My kind of gal.

She was undoubtably a gorgeous woman, but she's way overrated. Also don't believe the feminist bullshit about her, she was a vapid narcissistic gold digger. The only thing based about her is that she utterly drained (((Arthur Miller)))'s bank account

Based prognosticator.

Attached: moot.jpg (2048x1536, 510.91K)

>Flatulent, dirty, ate in bed, soiled clothes, piles of dirty dishes in her bedroom
She's just like me


Attached: slut2.jpg (1933x2734, 534.52K)

It was fine until the bit with the dishes. She was rich and famous, how did she not have people for that?


Attached: slut.jpg (1420x1438, 970.52K)


People that say she’s overrated are such neckbeard contrarian faggots.

>No sexy slob gf