I've decided to start watching all of the Bud Spencer/Terrence Hill films. However...

I've decided to start watching all of the Bud Spencer/Terrence Hill films. However, I found out (at least the first ones) seem dubbed not just in English, but in the original Italian as well. How's the best way to watch them? I'm going to use subtitles no matter what, I'd just like to know what's the best way to watch them, whether they switch dub actors halfway through, whether one of the dubs is funnier than the other, that kind of thing.

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Watch the italian dub. Also Lo Chiamavano Trinità (don't know the english name) Is the best one

I assume that the actors speak in whatever their native language is (like in a lot of Italian horror films)
So there is probably no original dub.

>Bud Spencer/Terrence Hill films
>Hill and Spencer's birth names are Mario Girotti and Carlo Pedersoli, respectively.

Thanks, man. Are there good subs for it? I can only find subs for the dub, which match horribly.

It’s a translation.

To disguise shitalian movies as murrican ones.
Even Sergio Leone did that with A fistful of dollars.

Thread theme

Is there a definitive DVD/Blu Ray for these? I feel like there's tons of compilations from all kinds of countries.

it was pretty common for italian actors and directors of the '60s-'70s to use english sounding stage names. That's because the producers wanted to trick the european audience into thinking that the film was an american production and not an italian one


all Italian films were dubbed at the time since they weren't good at live recording, so they just didn't bother.
nice to see a thread on them, don't know when exactly I first found out about them, maybe 10 years ago when flicking through the channels

I wouldn't recommend binge watching them as they are highly repetitive. fat man bonks little man on head with his fist and sighs

Those movies are pretty interesting in terms of dubbing. There was one particular french movie that bombed at the box office but then developed momentum after a particular german dub. The dubbers too certain liberties and changed much of the dialogue to make it more comedic when the original wasn't that funny. The same team started doing Bud Spencer movies using the same premise and it was a great success. Eventually the filmmakers themselves would start leaning into it being influenced by the dubbers. That said I'd say it kind of depends on your taste.

germany got something like a 20 (?) movie collection on BD

You can't go wrong, it's all kino.

It was a trend at the time, they were suggested to change their names to appeal to a wider possibly even young audience who enjoyed western movies and such, as production felt they were "too italian" for a western film and to make an impression on an international level, they were given by the production a list of names to choose from.
Apparently Carlo Pedersoli created his own pseudonym, Bud Spencer, in homage to actor Spencer Tracy and playing with irony on the name of Budweiser beer, marketed in Italy as Bud.

This song is reused in more Spencer/Hill movies, lol.

German dub is the best. They're downright boring in English and Italian. They took a lot of liberties and turned it into something stupid and brilliant.

Just like the Ghost Stories dub.

despite being italian, Bud and Terence were dubbed by other italian voice actors throughout most of their careers, even in the italian versions.
they both had a great stage presence, but their diction and delivery were not that great, especially Bud Spencer who had a pretty thick neapolitan accent irl.

Funny little story about the guy who dubbed Spencer:
They met in person once, and the guy told he is the hungarian voice of Bud Spencer.
Spencer looked at him and actually endorsed him to make bootleg Piedone movies, since the guy, Bujtor István (RIP) was quite the lookalike.

you should have posted his picture, you fucking stupid shithead

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That's how Terrence Hill got into the industry. He started out as double for Franco Necro and his Jango character. Eventually it would lead to Nobody.

You mad?

They don't look like Italian at all.

most american post of the day

literally rent free

How is their video game ?

Yea, the Terence actor is actually half german from the mother side, and grow up in Germany and moved in Italy in his teenhood. Despite speaking proper italian he always had 'that' weird unsual accent that wouldnt had fitted well in a cowbow movie