Chet Hanks exposes Tom Hanks

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I knew somebody that got sent there at 13. He came back a full blown criminal.

I'm not gonna watch that and don't care. Why did you think this was worth my time? Bring me something more interesting.

>Chet Hanx sent to the Battle of Wilderness at 17 years old

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you poor baby, let me get you some tranny porn and a big pacifier.

>you now remember white boi summer
absolute banger

Not a bad story teller.

I wish this summer had been the white boy summer too.

Wow is me crybaby faggot complaining while his daddy makes millions fucking children on meth
Count me out

How does the son of a squeaky clean A-list actor turn out like this?

lol this is hilarious

its edited and cut doesn't really count

He is worse than a woman.

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>Yo his black bitches wanted to stay on the plantation dawg

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the kids all get buttfucked by gay predators who run those programs.

Just be pretty and hot and it’s default summer, grow your hair out or something.

>let me get you some tranny porn and a big pacifier.
Sounds better. Thanks, user.

lmao imagine trusting that guy. OP is retarded

Because what is most likely is that Tom Hanks is a squeaky clean actor to everyone but his family and those closest to him. Tom Hanks is/was probably a piece of shit father who was never around, didn't care about his family and probably took out all of his anger, anxiety and frustration on his family making them feel like they were responsible for his inner unhappiness.

Chet was probably a decent, earnest kid - probably like most of us on Any Forums were when we were kids - who understood on a deep level that he was not to blame but was a tiny child who was powerless to stick up for himself. Instead of internalizing it and pretending it wasn't happening (a tactic that would, yes, made him turn out to look normal to us now but probably would have made him into someone as abusive or worse, criminal, as his dad when he became an adult) he took it out on the world around him as soon as he could and became a fucked up teenager. He knew he was embarrassing his dad and probably went down this path on purpose. And Tom Hanks probably deserves it and can't fix shit now and now anyone with a little wisdom and insight knows that Tom Hanks is probably a horrible monster who is a liar and a fraud.

Screw Tom Hanks and his crazy Greek wife. No wonder their kids are retarded, the parents are.

And his pays his way I bet and that dickhead has to talk shit about him.