Should we be mad at this casting too?

Should we be mad at this casting too?

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Should you think for yourself for once?

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Isn't D&D about making up your own characters?

No, because it's D&D. That's how it is. It's a loose fantasy that's never been tied to any realistic or grounded setting.

Why? What am I looking at?

Is this a Diablo 2 reference?
>Black Paladin named Yeezy

>Okay guys lets roll our characters
>Yes my character is a black male warrior
>You do know that your intelligence rolls will remain -2 throughout the entire campaign right

No. All paladins are niggers so it's perfect casting.

"Muh sworn duty". Shut the duck up and just play a dragon born barbarian or something, it's more honest.

The first movie had a black elf and nobody really cared because it's forgotten realms.

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Also because none of the people crying about this sort of thing were born yet

It's black on black so its cool.

Yes, its literally white genocide

I think most of them probably were they just hadn't become racist through experience yet.

"experience", is that what you call "the image board told me to"?

No cuz it’s just taking the piss like a camp 80s movie. Conan was pretty diverse but it was just unforgiving and cool

Why would I be mad at them for casting Sophia?
She's the only reason I'm going to watch this.

I don't know. Is he a good charismatic actor? Doesn't look like it.

what image board told you to be racist?

This one

The fact she's playing her real life DnD character is cute as fuck.

It was black Starfire that did it for me I think. That was the moment I realized I hate blackwashed characters. Turning the cutest girl in the series into an ugly prostitute gorilla.

Attached: SophiaLillsD&D.jpg (1600x668, 162.29K)

its all too embarrassing to get mad at

Nobody cared because D&D elves aren't the same as Tolkien's elves.

Because D&D has been gay for decades

Getting mad at individual hollyjew flicks is pointless. The problem is the brown cesspool of society as a whole.

Nah but why are Paladins always black in media

No, you should disregard it for being lame.

This movie looks like total shit regardless of darkie.
It looks like MCU cringe tier in a D&D skin.
This shit is going bomb fuckin hard.

No, works fine in on Faerun which is generally far more cosmopolitan than anywhere on Earth. Extremely diverse casting in on-brand for most D&D stuff because that's how the setting is written, it's more of a stretch for Tolkein where the different races and communities are far more isolated.