The very notion of belief itself can be rhetorically whittled to the bare nub of its meaning

The very notion of belief itself can be rhetorically whittled to the bare nub of its meaning.

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I'm a survivor. We're a dying breed.

XRA is the most well written show I have ever seen, completely and unironically 100%

For me, it's Wonder Showzen.

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You're the sad figment of my twisted psyche's tragic dividend. You're the un-me. I'm the real me. You wanna be, me?

The words. Do they mean anything to you?

To be fair you have to have a very high IQ to understand Xavier Renegade Angel. The humor is only absurd on the surface, and without a solid grasp of existentialist philosophy as well as a more than cursory understanding of the symbolism of the world's great religions, most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Xavier's quasi-innocent outlook, which is deftly expounded into his characterization giving birth to the very essence of the show itself--the absurdity of Sartre and Camus is ingeniously woven together with the anti-idealism of one Soren Aabye Kierkegaard, to oversimplify things a bit. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity and lived experience to truly appreciate the real depths to which the"show" plunges in its humor. They realize the absurdity isn't just funny but rather a comment on the comedy that is to exist.

Consequently, people who dislike Xavier Renegade Angletruly ARE plebian-of course they can't appreciate the heavy symbolism of Xavier's snake arm, which is in at least one instance used in reference to the Gnostic/Hermetic ouroboros-an alchemical symbol that references both the cycle of life and the transmigration of the soul. I came a little just now thinking of those myopic troglodytes unable to grasp the deftly layered meaning of what Vernon Chatman and John Lee have projected from themselves onto countless screens. It's painfully erotic, knowing I and few others are capable of the intellectual intercourse those creators have put forth. And yes, by the way, I do have a Xavier tattoo and no, you cannot see it. It's for the initiated only-you have to have read and understood Carl Gustav Jung's Red Book and demonstrate an understanding of Xavier as it relates to the archetypical alchemy that is the collective unconscious. Nothin personal anons.

I have the strange feeling that I’ve forgotten all of this before

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Society is about to end girl, and it’s up to us to repopulate the planet.

I suppose

REALLY? OHH! I just repopulated my pants

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Why is season 2 so much worse than the first?

I like the second season better.

both are good but season 2 is definitely the weirder of the two

HEY! We don't cotton to freaks 'round these parts.

xavier sounds like shit in 2

This show was peak reddit desu.

>in this universe, backing over people with a car will cure them. Quick people, get IN my way!

I disagree. Going Normal was a great episode. El Tornadador, Haunted Tonk, and Damnesia Vu too.

I'm committing vehicular man-burger helper and it tastes like pure liquid relief. Best part is I'm helping the earth, getting negative 30 miles to the gallon.

He sounds more schizophrenic, which is appropriate I think.

Ride nigga ride!

idk where this meme came from, the shows quality is consistent throughout