Wtf is wrong with Italians?

wtf is wrong with Italians?

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how nu r u


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they got nothing on the french

reminder Roman Polanski had sex with the blond girl in this film when she was 11

the same people who enjoy maggot cheese btw

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mamma mia we’re-a gonna make-child pornographia! bellissima!

why hasn't he been lynched yet

Anyone got a mega link for me?!

Who's gonna lynch him? Some Frenchmen, or where ever it is he's hiding now?

we are based
>maggot digestive enzymes enhance the quality of the food
is not the same thing like eating maggots retard, you could say the same thing for products that use mold, yeast and shit

of course not but you can probably torrent it pretty easily if you like seeing naked 12 year old girls and don't mind being featured on a three letter agency's watchlist for the remainder of your natural lifespan.

There's a scene where you can see the blond's asshole.

it's really not even that good


>eating mold
Do whites really?

Italy is catholic so hes cool. got a slap on the wrist and they told him to use a 11 year old boy next time


She was in his movie The tenant her name is Eva Ionesco.
Her mother used her in her erotic photographs and kinda pimped her out to well know men
I think you can come to your own conclusions

The film's banned here in Australia, we know our shit

uma delizia

yeah, gorgonzola is the most famous example, but all cured meats like salumi, onions sauce too, being able to controll the "rotting" and "fermentation" process of food, is a staple of "advanced" cooking

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>italains white

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true, nordcucks can't cook

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i'm proud of you, australianon. unfortunately you are a deranged, debauched subhuman whose ancestors were criminal scum and who gets his kicks playing didgeridoos, killing abos and listening to the wiggles, but at least you banned this movie so clearly you're not all bad.

you're a roach

Jewish privilege.

I'm italian, but roach food is top notch, feed me with it everyday instead of the disgusting shit that germans call food

>I'm italian, but

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