Today a girl laughed at me and said I look like tony shalhoub

Today a girl laughed at me and said I look like tony shalhoub.

What's his best movie?

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Why did she laugh?
I know Monk is a great tv show. I unfortunately haven't seen him in movies and other shows, but I'm sure he's good in them too.

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Backhanded compliments, Any Forums?
I've been told I'm a "different kind of handsome".

He was a delight in Galaxy Quest.

The Siege. No contest

The Man Who Wasn't There as the Jew lawyer who is really good at milking the main character for all his money and not helping him out when he needed him the most because he only cared about money kek how did the coens get away with it

Monk is terrible you can tell by the opening credit song

Tell her she looks like hunter Schafer

I look like Clint Howard.

>not going to survive THE JUNGLE

>judging a show by its opening song
Did you even watch it user? You should watch it.

MiB 2, pain and gain, that one tranny movie with Michelle Rodriguez iirc

13 ghosts


Sharona > Natalie

He was exceedingly based in BrainDead

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fuck no go be a faggot somewhere else


Randy re-recorded a darker and slower version and it's pretty great


Kill yourself, you'll thank me later.

I look like Howie

I'm glad this gay show got canceled
