How ya doin’ there Skeeter. Listen up and listen good

How ya doin’ there Skeeter. Listen up and listen good.

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>Asian person says nothing

Thank you wypipo

is it true that one actor kept fucking things up for them so they just cut his lines and kept him in anyways? if so, kek

It's funny how the black dude didn't give a shit at all reading the script and just wanted to get paid but the dopey boomer with the cowboy hat kept fucking with the lines because he figured out what the skit was. Sam's a genius.

Yeah and you can tell the way he delivered his lines in the scene that the story is true. I think Sam gave specifics to some of the shit he would say but I forget.

I'm racist but I would still feel uncomfortable making a skit like that using actual blacks. This is why black face is such an important tool.

No the Asian origionally had lines but his reading was terrible so they cut him completely. The spic was intentionally fucking up lines and saying anti white stuff so they just went with the take they got.

I never heard this but it doesn't seem true.
Mexican guy doesn't say anything anti white and the joke is that asians have nothing to thank white people for

Sam said that behind the scenes the guy was being a pain in their ass and kept trying to force his own lines into the skit.
It's entirely believable. Dude is obviously peeved when he has the deliver his lines.

Yeah the Mexican is the one who seems not in on the joke, but his take was fine. Maybe the actual written lines were more Mexican focused instead of just "white people are generous" focused.
Still, I have a hard time imagining there were lines written for the asian man. The silence is the funniest joke they could write.

I think you're forgetting they filmed this in California (?) so it's not too far-fetched he would simply be upset over a "white people are generous" comment.
I agree about the Asian guy, I'd be surprised if they did have anything for him in the first place.


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Lmao, how did they get away with this?

Guess I’m just a stupid GOY

now why would they cancel this?

I remember every woman on the show saying they had no idea what they were doing.
Specifically the hot Asian gorilla dick bitch and the quadroon sketch woman.

You know what Katie, you always was a silly ho

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ngl it was funnier without this part

in 25 years when whites are a small minority and subject to murders raids and all kinds of deprivations, they'll watch this sketch and wonder how whites were so blithe about their own demise

>Lmao, how did they get away with this?

they didnt. they were banned for years until jew morenstein gave sam the jew blessing and now he's aloud on social media again

Won't happen.