Just started marathoning this again, what will I think of it?

Just started marathoning this again, what will I think of it?

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Star Wars: The Phantom Menace is the most disappointing thing since my son.

>shit parent has shit taste in movies
Shameful, even more so than a typical boomer.

Introduced a lot of interesting ideas such as interplanetary economics, how caste systems differ on other worlds, and subverted the trope of Jedi itself by introducing the impulsive and pragmatic Qui-Gon.

My son hanged himself in a gas station bathroom.

This. I recommend watching the Plinkett reviews. He has a lot of memorable lines like this one that will make you roflmao.

Maybe if you were a better parent your son wouldn't have hanged himself in a gas station parent. Sorry about your loss though.

My favorite part about the Plinkett reviews is how hard they make prequelfag seethe

Gas station bathroom*

I don't take anyone's opinion on Star Wars seriously if they unironically liked JJ's Force Awakens when it came out.

People complain about the "politics," but it's really the scenes on Tatooine that drag. All that stuff with Anakin and his mum. His mum is such a non-character, she could have been one of his robots. Schmi has no personality at all in that film.

This. Plinkett reviews should be taught in every school. He really explains why you should like certain things and hate other things. And he does it with catchy music and epicly hilarious images so you never get bored.

I literally don't respect anyone who is anti-prequel, some of the least interesting people on the planet

I literally don't respect someone who enjoys the prequels. Outs themselves as a psued zoomer or soillennial

>I literally don't respect anyone who is anti-prequel, some of the least interesting people on the planet

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The prequels are fun. They are different from the original trilogy. That is a good thing. We have the original trilogy, we don't need them remade. There are some rough moments but the OT has some rough moments too, like the ewoks for example.
The only bad star wars movies are the Disney ones.


The originals are the only good ones, allowing for some shitty parts in ROTJ.

The prequels are obviously bad, but they're funny-bad, and over the years we've come to accept them as an old friend. A retarded, drunken friend who sleeps on the pavement, but still a friend of sorts. A "local character" if you will.

The sequels are just flat mediocrity and outside the culture war crap there is nothing to discuss in these corporate McMovies.

You will think: God, this is embarrassing. I am an adult, and I am watching retarded shit for toddlers with CGI rabbit stepping into poop and an annoying kid YIPPEing mixed with boring, sterile, lifeless monks and politicians, in an ugly, dated movie shot in the most boring and pedestrian way possible. You will think that you should have spent two hours of your life reading a book or watching a real movie, instead of this glorified toy commercial. You will feel bad about yourself.

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But I was just reading before this and needed a break. It's comfy so far, I'm just at the pod race.

It seems you, unfortunately, hit your head when you was a child, or exposed yourself to some dangerous chemicals. The bottom line is, you have become retarded. You are a prequelqueer and a star wars faggot, you ought to consider suicide.

You probably enjoy the sequels.

Wait, so you get The Force from microscopic bugs that you can just detect with a little box?
That's where the Force comes from?
Did Obi-Wan forget that by the time he had to convince Yoda to train Luke?