Holes thread get in here

Holes thread get in here

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I read the book in school, never seen the movie.

I dug holes before, never read the book or seen the movie

I've used a shovel before, but never to dig holes. I've never read the book or seen the movie.

This is a romcom about the true nature of women right?

I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die.

My teacher in school made us read and study the book and watch the movie

What is the educational purpose of this?

>What is the educational purpose of this?

To learn how to be based and digpilled

For me this was just some pretty good movie they played on Disney channel
I can't believe people read this shit in class

Reminder that Mr. Sir was FtM

Unironically has some really great cinematography

It's a really good children's book and a really good movie
I read this when I was like 7, it isn't studied as literature lol

>show about black man fucking white woman
>it’s literally called “holes”
only in america

Same thing happened to me but our teacher made us read Cold Mountain. No clue why anyone thought there was educational value in it

Remember how hot Patricia Arquette used to be. That was pretty cool. The janitor may mop up the board but my daddy owns the board

Hole is one of the lowest reading level books I would consider literature. Kids are trash at reading these days so it's popular among teachers who tend to be lit nerds. Source: work with third graders.

she made us read and study it when we were 14.

Better than fuckin great Gatsby or the pearl. Christ why are we still stuck with irrelevant shit books.

You take a bad boy, make him read books about digging holes all day in a stuffy classroom, it turns him into a good boy.

based remedial reading class goer

Rockthrow: "educational purposes?"

We were the top set in our school

>The janitor may mop up the board but my daddy owns the board
Fucking kek

Can't wait for Holes 2: The Rediggening

>american education

Outright anti-white propaganda. And effective too.

they always tried to make the holes seem supernatural in the trailer and behind the scenes clips which would've been cooler than what it actually was when I looked it up on wikipedia 19 years later

it was a uk school

>called Holes
>the only hole in it is evil

That is a 9 year old reading level book. We read it in 3rd grade. You really read that in high school? Is it an ESL school?

> I told you to get your dirt out of Boss Kean's ditch, didn't I?

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>Is it an ESL school?
No it was a normal public school

Never happening. There ain’t gonna be no Stanley Yelnats the fifth.