"My pronouns are she/her and I'm wearing a green cloak"

"I am standing on land stolen from the indigenious Orcs"


Attached: SheHerGreenCloak.jpg (1588x803, 181.85K)

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This one random parody has 1/4th as many views as the entire show

At least they all know who is their common enemy, Maga

Trump is basically Sauron if you think about it.

This is the most out of touch, unfunny boomer shit on the planet, holy fuck.

7 feet tall immortal spirit with a control freak personality and autism levels of craftmanship?

I'm quite surprised there isn't colored elf hair in RoP

This is the most triggered zoomer comment on the planet, holy fuck

Not memeing but this looks better than ROP because they actually filmed this outside without greenscreen.

It should be a crime to be this bad at math.

>more likes than the official trailer on the Prime channel

most of the jokes land, but the run time ruins almost all of them, try to make shorter parody vids next time

is that good or bad?

Math is a tool of white supremacists, being bad at math is actually good and diverse

Average /tvpol/ poster

this is the inverse of feminist/woke "comedy".
its just as predictable and unfunny.
you can actually predict what line 2 is going to be after line 1 is uttered. cant even watch the entire thing because i cringe to hard.

>Babylon Bee

I'm not a 50 year old Facebook mom so I won't be watching this.

>you killed they
got a laugh from me dog

It makes you upset, which is funny.

Faggot, it's hilarious

A bit drawn out but still made me chuckle.

the fake chainmail shirt was a nice touch


Shouldn't you be at Cracker Barrel right now?

Shouldn't you be a Chuck E Cheese right now?

>out of touch
anti woke facebook boomers are a bigger audience than the tumblrtards everything is marketed for nowadays

This really is not it chief

Why isn't she black?

Attached: 1655896142234.png (610x591, 99.08K)


Meh, faintly amusing, though it's not actually parodying the show but rather a generic idea of 'wokeness'.

This is boomer humor but it is based and funny


>t-this ain't it chief!
>i-i cringed!
>o-out of touch!
>uh.. facebook!

The tears of zoomers sustain me.

Attached: 015.png (434x327, 54.65K)