Reaction channels

What do we think of them ? Why are they so popular?

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I have no friends and I must scream.

this is the end

I think they appeal to lonely people

weirdest genre of youtube. i understand letsplays if you're watching someone good at that game, but what's the point of these reactions?

Someone do a basedjack of this

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there are a lot of lonely faggots out there who love to watch them because it feels like you are watching something with friends

Wake me when reactors are averaging 100k viewers.

They're popular because time travel isn't real and you can never watch your favorite movie of T.V. show again for the first time so watching other people experience it is the closest thing.

Most of the women are completely insufferable and offer great insight to the mind of normies.

Viserys literally outright says what they want to hear and they just dismiss him or go "Ohhhh reallly???? And how are you going to do that?". I get why married couples are usually miserable now with the way they react to everything. Or "mhmm! yassss!" just assuming the female character is completely right about every situation. They almost all stare blankly at their screen as he pours his heart out giving a great performance. Actual peanut heads.

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wake up

They help me to know what to think

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I'm lonely and I don't see the appeal at all. It's probably bot views or some other kind of scam, I can't imagine anyone watching this

Friendship simulators - it's no coincidence a lot of the channels ballooned in popularity during the pandemic quarantines.
Also like said, it allows people to see others watch that 'big moment' through someone else's eyes. For a show like GoT that frequently relied on those sorts of things (Red Wedding, Purple Wedding, Jon's death/resurrecttion etc.) these channels are immensely popular.

Anyone remember those unboxing videos that were popular a decade ago?

Full blown friendship simulator garbage; even worse than vidya streaming.

I hate them all and I don't get it.
The ones where it's a professional in a field reacting and talking about things related to it (like a doctor reacting to Scrubs, or a rocket scientist reacting to a scifi scene, etc) are alright because you get to learn something.

it's only possible to be confused about reaction channels being popular if you've never watched something you already like with a friend and experienced seeing it fresh again through their eyes
it's normal think they're dumb, but the anons who literally can't understand their appeal are friendless autists and probably incels lol

Anime reaction videos easily reach over 1 million views

>popcorn in bed
the only kino reaction channel

Shorter attention spans and oversocialisation

It's one thing to watch something with your friends because it's fun to spend time with your friends. Those YouTubers are not your friends. They don't know you. They don't give a shit about you.

people locked up in their homes can't watch things with friends, don't have friends or people who like the same shows/films as them, whatever, people feel less alone are feel like they're sharing something.

however if you're paying actual money to watch people reacting to something you've gone entirely off the deep end.

I don't like watching kino with friends because there's either the anxiety that they won't like it (if I pick the film) or that I'll let them down by disliking it (if they pick it)