We ARE the Blair witch Project

We ARE the Blair witch Project

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started my goth/alt fetish

kinds looks like a tranny

Would not.

Seek help.

I hated this look and i'm glad it's damn near dead.

“It’s not just the Blair witch project, book of shadows is here too!”

Dropped once I heard this line

I've never seen the sequel

i like it
psychological horror

There's a good reason for that, it's garbage.

Terrific booba, I must say.

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that doesn't work without a definite article in the middle, you ESL

If I were a White woman like her I would never stayed clothed around White men

I'd like to bang a tranny or femboy to satisfy my gay curiosity. Shame most of them put barely any effort into looking feminine

I put in a lot of effort everyday but nothing is really working and its killing what little self esteem i have left. I'm 5'7" 285lb and tar-black with a receding hairline and nappy, greasy hair. There's honestly nothing I can feastably do to pass as av woman. All I've ever wanted since I can remember is to be a White woman married to a White man with White children and knowing it'll never happen makes me more depressed then anything else.


Yeah that must be some tough shit to deal with.
I can't really relate to your struggles with that kind of stuff. I was talking more general like all these 50+ year old dudes that seem to have just realized last year that they want to be women, lol.

But from a lot of pictures it seems like some people just grow out their hair and that's it and don't even try to shave their faces.

Anyway, I didn't want to hurt your feelings, my black fren. It's probabaly a different kind of hell for you

booba kino

My boy put those witches on Burn Notice.

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Next town over Sam Axe was fighting deadites.


What's this? Looks like discount Fairuza Balk

Yup, Kim Director

Jenny Summers.
It's a John Persons film.