Halloween Ends

Is it going to suck?

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Most definitely.

I still haven't seen Halloween Kills

99% of every sequel and remake has sucked shit.

Yes. The last Halloween movie in a series will always suck. An ancient witch cursed the franchise.

If Kills is any indication, then yes. Kills was awful. I thought Halloween 2018 was surprisingly good, too.

>Is it going to suck?

>How does it all end? While speaking with Uproxx, director David Gordon Green teased some elements in the finale, saying it will mirror modern-day America, including the COVID-19 pandemic alongside bizarre politics.

>“Where we’re leaving these characters on Halloween 2018, the world is a different place. So not only do they have their immediate world affected by that trauma, having time to process that trauma—and that’s a specific and immediate traumatic event in the community of Haddonfield. But then they also had a worldwide pandemic and peculiar politics and another million things that turned their world upside down,”

last one did, so probably


>copycat killer
Please tell me it’s Busta Rhymes

There's that fucking word again.

As much as the other films.
H2 was the best.

>le empty hospital

Okay. Go watch rob zombie then.

>I thought Halloween 2018 was surprisingly good, too.
Because it's the same movie as the 1978 Carpenter movie. Every time this franchise tries to steer away from the original blueprint, it fails terribly.

Thus Halloween Kills.

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I prefer the slow buildup of a creepy stalker. Not that shit where he's killing an old lady with a hammer and immediately going next door to stab some bitch through the neck. And then they made it worse in Kills when he solo'd those firefighters and the town mob. This trilogy has very little tension.

Nah, I'm a 4/5 chad.

they're trying so hard to make those two unlikeable bitches final girls and "girlbossess" but they need to understand they're fucking garbage characters, especially the teenage one she cant act for shit and looks like the typical trashy american girl who will hit the wall hard soon. i dont give a shit about them and i hope they die terribly and get max 10 minutes of screentime. i don't know why they cant just make jamie lee curtis the main character.

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>Have endless possibilities to write Halloween spooks for your film
>It's the same killer every time going through the same schtick miraculously surviving
I hate Hollywood

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It wont end, the hollywood jews and the money hungry people will keep making trash and seve it to peasants like you faggots. And you faggots will consume like the good little piggy you retards are... and you will love it.

3tard, learn your place.

Halloween 3 is the best one