Watch movie

>watch movie
>its really good
>try to find movies that scratch the same itch
>nothing feels the same

which movie is for you?

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absolute kino

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2001 a space odyssey

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>its really good
i was following along with your post untill this part. can you please explain what you mean by this? i thought the film was pointless and just some james woods guy who got mad and his hand turned into a gun or something because he watched tv?

It was the symbology.

It predicted internet porn and virtual reality and shit

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This. It was a flick way ahead of time. Whole premise of the movie is that Technology is invading human life and becoming part of human body like a cancer. If you think this is a exaggeration, just look at the goddamn Smartphone

This one is easy though, as there are plenty of other good Cronenberg movies that scratch the itch.

Scanners, eXistenZ, etc

You might like these, OP

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just watch Cronenberg filmography

The hobbit 1977

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>2 uno farto movies on the first row
is this a troll image?

Nothing like it has never been made nor will be :(

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>asks if troll image
>doesn't even mention that half of it is Adam Sandler

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You should watch Tetsuo the Iron Man