What made older talk shows so comfy?

What made older talk shows so comfy?

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set design

tall, funny comedians with beautifully formed hair.

Can’t believe I’m saying this, but I miss Letterman.


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No political correctness
No quotas

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the sexual tension

You fucking well know why and someone that hates the antichrist will be by to tell you soon enough.

Because you lack the cultural context, or have forgotten most of it, just like in 20-30 years the twerking She-Hulk will be something people feel great nostalgia for

Hosts weren't trying to push you anything, any politics.
Take the Dick Cavett show as an example.
In the same episode he had Grace Slick, the Women's Liberation movement and Hugh Hefner, then they got them all together to discuss their politics without siding with one or the other. He was just asking genuine, inquiring questions, not being overly funny nor overly serious.
Whether the host was conservative or liberal, all he cared about was being entertaining.

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>What made older talk shows so comfy?
a genuine interest in the person on the show, a higher regard for being entertaining, etc etc etc

talk shows now are just a bunch of guys all spouting the same political rhetoric and no one giving a fuck about the retard celebs that they have on. you could swap any of those guys out and put them on another channel and no one would notice.

Lack of internet made celebrities more mysterious

smaller set, dimmer lighting. talk shows were better in the ‘70s (like every media was)

>Chairman of the bored

Society was better back then.

Is this an AI meme?

>Dick Cavett
Literally too slow paced and intellectual for modern TV audiences.
The IQ and attention span of audiences has never been lower.

You didn't watch for news stories, you watched for character interaction. People liked the hosts and they liked celebrities.

The "comfy" of David Letterman wasn't his sketches, it was his interviews.
The "comfy" of Jay Leno wasn't his monologue, it was his interviews.
The "comfy" of Conan O'Brien wasn't his insulting jokes, it was his interviews.
The "comfy" of Craig Ferguson wasn't his random humor, it was his interviews.

People liked seeing celebrities get praised and beloved by David and Jay. They liked seeing bands performing a popular song, live, that was on the radio and getting big sales.
People liked seeing celebrities get set-up for embarrassment and innuendo by Conan and Craig.

Today, people don't like celebrities. Today, people don't find Jimmy Fallon or Jimmy Kimmel endearing. Who is Stephen Colbert or Sth Myers? What was "The Daily Show?" Was that actually news???

The hosts were actually charming, funny men.

Based and kekked