Dirty Films

I don’t mean sexual, I just mean visually dirty, grimy, etc. like pic related

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Any Rob Zombie movie

Evil Dead 2013

The Texas Chainsaw movies are pretty grimy too.

Alien 3

Tony Scott’s films are like this.

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you moms sextape

Pusher trilogy.

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Hellraiser 1 and 2
Texas Chainsaw Massacre 1 and 2
Brain Dead
The Fly
Street Trash

I forget the name. Lawyer movie set in New Orleans. Star is sweaty the entire movie

Manliest movie ever and everyone is covered in sweat the whole time in a filthy jungle with fear and doubt on their faces.
They even have dirty souls.

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Leone’s Dollars trilogy
Saving Private Ryan

The dark backward, filthiest aesthetic I've ever seen in a film

Any movie with grain is technically dirty.

The toxic avenger
Combat shock
Dead man's shoes
Kids 1995

Also Trainspotting

hard to explain but Se7en has a kind of "texture" or something that I haven't really seen in a lot of other films

Bad Lieutenant?

Any Hollywood movie set in middle ages.

Also Bronson, A clockwork orange,

Any movie set in NYC/east coast America during the ‘70s. I feel like it’s almost been memoryholed, what a shithole it was back then. Taxi Driver, French Connection, Warriors, the first Rocky. Just urban decay and trash everywhere, it’s an aesthetic but not a good one. Joker had it too but it’s just aping Taxi Driver so idk if it’s really legitimate