Sons of the Harpy didn't even exist until after Dany's takeover

>Sons of the Harpy didn't even exist until after Dany's takeover


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The harpy is the historic emblem of the Ghis empire. It's their dragon. The term "sons of the harpy" actually comes before Dany even gets to Mereen. It's not really inconceivable that they had harpy masks before and the sons of the harpy just co-opted them.

>"It was definitely a nod to that for, I guess, the fans, because it's something familiar for them," Scott-Smith said. "And we spoke about the idea of him being the first person to wear this mask and it becoming iconic and, therefore, it's built from that [for Game of Thrones]... Why is he wearing the mask? How does he feel about that? It's a power statement, so he's quite happy wearing it."
Literally no thought put into why he would have the same mask. Just a reference for the sake of it. Absolute dog brain shit.

I really liked this guys look, it was cool how I felt we got a full character and story from a guy with few scenes and no lines and he seemed fully developed and well used

perhaps the masks were a thing before the sons of the harpy

More like gayscale, amirite?

no one cared who he was until he put on the mask

Did they say what would happen if Daemon took the mask off him? Would he die?

What do we do now Crabbros? Should we back house Celtigar?

\The Harpy was their symbol and the masks could have existed for a long time.

Also its pure member berries dont think about it deeper than that you are putting more thought into it than the writers.

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>what is crab may never breed

that's fine though. not everything needs to be intricately woven into the lore.

>It was definitely a nod to that for, I guess, the fans, because it's something familiar for them,
So literally the "I RECOGNIZED THAT AND I CLAPPED BECAUSE I KNEW WHAT IT WAS" moment that RLM always makes fun of.

>that's fine though
It's not. Stop excusing laziness.

With that simple half assed explanation you've all officially put more thought into it than the writers. They're just reusing props/costumes to save time/money.

>house Celtigar
cut from the show since the Corlys said only Targ and Velarons are the living Valyrian houses. it's unironically OVER for crab cucks

>Why is he wearing the mask?

Its clearly not even the same prop you fucking idiot

They proably had too small of a budget to afford to create a new mask and had to reuse the old ones.

It clearly is.

Is that even supposed to be greyscale? I thought he had just been burned during the fighting at some point. Daemon should not be handling this nigga's diseased corpse

nah, it's more that you're getting bent out of shape over nonsense. you're not going to give a fuck about crab bros mask 2 seasons from now.

That is the Crabfeeder? Disappointing.

its not, look at the horn,it has a different pattern to it than the full mask
the details on the forehead are slightly different
the nose is wider and flatter
it's a different version of the same thing but it isn't the exact masks they were using on got

That shit is highly contagious.

Attention to detail shows that the series producers have some kind of care for the material. "Nods to the fans" are like jumpscares. They're both really easy to do. If you really care about the story or the lasting appeal of your product, then you'll go the extra mile for it, rather than do the bare minimum.