The legend is back

the legend is back

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Why are you watching Joe Rogan, AKA Toxic Masculinity: The Human Being? Practice self care and stop watching that shit.

>rogan in 2022

You're not my real mom.

I'm about 90mins in, slow start although Eddie somehow made his gramps talk about his shoulder interesting, it's getting really juicy after the Dan Pena video they watch. Another wholesome moment was when Eddie talked about discovering camel toes recently lmao wtf shouldn't you be drowning in pussy lips in jiu jitsu?

Climate change is not a hoax. Your sex life is though.

I only watch depending on who it is, Im not an autist who watches every episode

>just recently interviewed the CEO of one of the gargantuan social media corpos

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touch grass you terminally online tranny

>AKA Toxic Masculinity
People that parrot stupid terms like that should be institutionalized.

bravo eddie,

Space is real. But the moon isn't.

I like Eddie but his opinion on overpopulation in this episode is retarded.

the earth cannot be over populated you faggot climate activist. or is eddie being retarded and saying it IS an issue? Population isnt an issue, its concentration. They herd the NPC’s into metropolitans & big cities, thats the issue, the every expanding cities

Fucking americans

when has eddies opinions outside of jiu jitsu and mma been not retarded?

I'm guessing it's an hour of
>Woah woah woah, Eddie, you can't just say that

How else would you describe masculinity that is toxic

lol last time eddie was on with Brendan, it was almost 2 hours of that. Joe was getting pissed

Get some therapy already.

Let me guess? I’m a “basedboy”? BaaaasedBOOOOY? Get fucked losers.

>ask questions
>look into it

does being against overpopulation really make me a climate activist now? climate activists would call me a fascist for being pro-nuclear power. there's a finite amount of land, and not all land is habitable or appealing. Eddie talks about flying over America and seeing huge swaths of land with very few people, and he is clearly talking about the massive areas of farmland in the midwest, which can't be populated densely because the land is needed to grow massive amounts of crops to feed the already massive amount of people in the world, or to feed the massive amounts of livestock that also needs huge amounts of land dedicated to it. if you started populating the rest of the countryside in the way that cities are populated, then guess what, you end up with everywhere being densely populated and suddenly all those sparsely populated areas that are supposed to prove overpopulation is impossible are suddenly gone. you also have to consider that the more people you move out of cities and into the countryside the more you need to develop the infrastructure in those areas to support larger amounts of people, which means all that beautiful countryside is quickly going to start looking like shit.

retarded tranny lol

Nah, you've just been indoctrinated by people looking to exploit citizens with mental issues or low intelligence for their own personal gain.

Population is 100% an issue you brainwashed Jew slave.