Here's what I don't understand about leftists

here's what I don't understand about leftists.
we are now 5+ years into your hollywood sources being proven to have lied to you over and over and yet you still trust them.

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still voting biden

> your hollywood sources being proven to have lied to you over and over and yet you still trust them.
Well isn't that ironic?

Ukraine is winning. Russia lost. Seethe more chud.

mental illnesses

>we are now 5+ years into your hollywood sources being proven to have lied to you over and over and yet you still trust them.

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The country is soon to collapse and you people think trump of all people will save it.



Do you really think a nyc real estate millionaire gives 2 shits about you in your trailer in Wisconsin, you retarded faggot?

Two more weeks

Because they'd rather die and watch their communities die than accept Trump's ego.


this is every politician

>literally entices an attack on our country and it's democracy because he was booty scuffed he lost
>people still support him and have the fucking audacity to call themselves "Americans" and "Patriots".
No, that was fucking treason. You're not an American, and you're not a patriot.

Yeah and things changed about the virus as it got worse while still being somewhat unknown with it's effects. Get over it, you're not saying anything smart or witty, just making yourself look literally fucking retarded.

This. And the fact that chuds still use "the riots" as an excuse for their acts is fucking pathetic.

All you had to do was not throw tantrums over wearing masks and Trump would be president right now.

Imagine raising a transkid because Trump had to be beaten for Mexicans and women.

real tranny hours

how would that have prevented them from rigging the election?

>literally has the nuclear codes hidden from him because they thought he was that fucking stupid and a danger not only to the world but the US

drumpf lost

>rigging the election?
What now?

You can't possibly believe what you're saying unless you are literally glued to a TV watching CNN all day

Then steals classified documents from the White House and throws a hissy fit he got caught and his supporters are out in front of mar a largo literally crying while waving American and Trump flags.

He was going to give that shit to Russia, we all know it.

imagine getting outsmarted by democrats

Well, you rightoids are 8+ years into trump lying to you and you still fall for it hook, line and sinker.

Just an fyi, chudcels.

I do, you anti-American cocksucker.
>I'm a patriot! :D
I can think of a lot of things you are, but an American and patriot is neither of them.

So why are people getting 5 and 10 year prison sentences for what happened on Jan 9th?

You'll see
Dropping the soap will be part of the plan

>the elites lied to you
>I know the truth
>The hidden knowledge was given to me by /ourguy/ Tucker Carlson
>Trump is one of the good ones I promise I can never be wrong

>He was going to give that shit to Russia
Bro, he already did. He was a russian asset from day one. Why do you think every intelligence agency on the planet already had spies on him?

It's all democrat lies paid off by george soros and hollywood, those weren't actors and no one actually got killed and there was no plans to actually kill and/or harm our government officals user! What are you watching CNN? I get my news from! The REAL news, even with bad grammar, punctuation, and no sources!

dilate you disgusting fucking freak

what's the Qtard excuse for trump bringing nuclear secrets home after losing the election?

>not his documents

>documents currently being reviewed over legal issues

You already lost this ploy too

>dilate you disgusting fucking freak

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>thinking i give a flying fuck about him keeping papers in his house

Biden just expanded the IRS to the tune of 100 bill. He gone

Poe's Law is real

the same reason no niggers got charged for rioting and Derek Chauvin got found guilty

And they think that the president can declassify anything he wants to, even nuclear secrets
(He can't)

>everyone's a "tranny"
You're literally obessed.
There was and has been no ploy lost. He illegally stole classified documents from the White House.

>muh Any Forums meme
Shut the fuck up.

>I-It doesn't matter if Trump stole national secrets for no reason! BIDEN IS MAKING PEOPLE PAY THE TAXES THEY OWE

>no one actually got killed and there was no plans to actually kill and/or harm our government officals user
the only person who got killed was one of the "insurrectionist" and they were unarmed

>actual proven classified docs in the wrong hands didn't happen, but hunter bidens 4th laptop is real in two weeks trust the plan

why do you talk like a schizo ? what will you do when biden get re elected

What does a handful of people being prosecuted for specific crimes have to do with "an attack on our democracy"? Dem or Republican or tranny freak, you all need to stop with the faggot LARPing. You sound braindead.