Nature is healing

We are now witnessing the unjusting of Brendan Fraser. His shit is no longer fucked up.

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6 minutes isn't something spectacular in this kind of showing. what is more the movie is somewhere in middle in terms of Venice ratings

however im all in for building artificial hype so once the movie is out and fizzles like a wet fart hype train will derail at supersonic speed causing new wave of JUST shitposting

in addition, despite this movie being mediocre gross shit, media already suggest Oscars so it will be hilarious to see all that hype leading nowhere so we can continue mocking him like before

Brendanbros... we're back

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>plays a fat gay man in a Hackanofsky movie called The Whale

He's been back. Doom Patrol is the best TV show of the last 10 years

>the gremlin ear and that hair
oh boy he's going back to fantasy movies

heckin' wholesome

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doom patrol fell off hard

Attached: Gibson.webm (1280x720, 1.83M)

You have to have a pretty high IQ to understand the complexities of kinocado

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our boy

Where were all these hollywood faggots when his life was in tatters?

qrd on his fall? never really heard them

I know its r*ddit to cry over this but I still did, fuck you

Do you think they all live in a dorm together or someshit?

This unironically gives me hope for our future. We all deserve our redemption arc. Congratulations Brendan!

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Wow our boy Brendan is back after landing a gig consistent with LGBTQ2 propaganda. Shocking!

>I am insane and contribute nothing anywhere!

>Doom Patrol
based Brendan, now destroy your enemies and hear the lamentation of their people, and your training will be completeeeeeeeee

>stop noticing patterns

A lot of Hollywood actually do look out of each other. Look at how Jodie Foster stuck up for Mel Gibson. Or how people tried to help Robert Downey Jr. (cf. "Two Girls and a Guy"). Or found SOMETHING for Travolta to do (cf. "Three Men and a Baby").
Opportunities are out there.
It's just that, sometimes, a former star prefers self-pity over bettering himself.