Reminder: Jon Snow’s resurrection served absolutely no purpose

He was resurrected because he was “the chosen one” but ultimately did jack shit and didn’t even become king.

GRR Martin ruined his own book series thy was two decades in the making by giving the cliffnotes to a fucking television show to adapt. How retarded is he?

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King Bran was always the plan
Stop reading shitty fantasy books for teenage retards

He's more lazy than retarded.

It actually had a very clear and targeted purpose of getting Job off the wall. It allowed gim to finish his vow til death at the wall and turned his watch brothers against him so he had no reason to stick around on the wall anymore they all betrayed him.

It had a very clear and acute purpose

It serves the purpose of revealing him as azor ahai. He never did pull a flaming sword out of Dany though.

I know, that’s my point here.

The show doesn’t even mention this, this is basically fan fic cope

his sequel will fix it. They're doubling down on the "prince that was promised" prophecy in House of the Dragon

He could've just left. I mean what the fuck were they gonna do at that point anyway? He doesn't seem as retarded as his father in regards to oaths, but he won't do this? Tensions rising and the fate of the world at stake but I won't break my vow because watch this ebin shocking scene where Jon gets stabbed and resurrected for some reason. He's like a walking, talking reminder of how these branching storylines are all just plot convenience to a plot that makes no sense.
Also it was like maybe a dozen of them, only four of which were executed, which in itself was kinda a strange and nonsensical moment. Again, zero character and only exists to make retards clap at the "drama" of shocking clips. Don't ask questions or think about the dozens of episodes that came beforehand or the context of the scene, none of that matters.

He killed Danny before she could torch what was left of the civilized world and flood it with shitskins.

Why does any of this matter when Bran is literally every character at any moment? Time is not a factor.
Everybody who is or was, dead or alive is Bran. Bran is the Night King. Bran is Arya. Bran raped Sansa. Bran pushed himself from the window so Bran could tell Bran that he needs to go north of the wall to train with Bran so that he can learn how to meet Bran and save all the Brans. Bran is Bran.

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Bran time travel theories are kino though.

He pulled his flaming sword out of her after he fucked her high mileage snatch. God knows how many crotch rots she gathered over the years.

jun snu

You think that's bad? What about whole faceless man thing and the knight king

They're not theories, in the show anyway. I mean the concept is cool to think about, but I'd argue it's a really bad idea to try to intertwine it with a series that largely focuses on human politics.
It's such a shame because I genuinely enjoyed Bran's actor and his early arc and the buildup to (re)learning his sight, but the concept didn't know when to quit and now he's effectively confirmed omnipotent. It's even worse than the standard storylines of omnipotence, where in general a God creates his creation and tells it to go create so the God can witness something unknown.
Instead he's just playing with himself. Eight seasons of God jerking himself off, literally.
Thanks Dabid.

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If this fat fuck isn't a hack then Jon should stay dead in the books.

that's what the Pink Letter already did user.

Nigga should have stayed dead.

Jaime is Azor Ahai.

But he did nothing of consequence after he was brought back. Arya killed the Night Kang. Anyone could have killed Dany, there was no strict reason why it had to be him.

Reminder that the killing the Night King/ White Walkers in one episode, before defeating Cersei ruined the momentum of the show. The whole point of ASOIAF is that the white walkers are the biggest threat.

Can’t believe HotD even mentioned “the great war” after they butchered it like they did.