Prometheus is set 29 years before Alien

>Prometheus is set 29 years before Alien.
>Tech somehow regressed.
>Aliens are no longer some mysterious other-worldly force far older than humanity itself, they were bioengineered by an android with a god complex a mere 30 years before the events of alien.
>The whole film follows a bunch of dumbass retards whose first instincts is to stick their faces and touch every single form of alien life they see before dying brutally.
>The scientists wanted to find the engineers, because they created humans, but then they changed their minds and now hate us?
>Pitched as an alien prequel but we never even see a xenomorph.

There is nothing good about Prometheus. I hate this movie.

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Not to mention, the cast is far too bloated, which takes away from the central horror element. David is the only likeable character.
>Engineers made us in their image, but somehow we grew shorter, weaker and grew hair over time.
>The "threats" in this movie are not clearly defined, the black goo turns worms into giant leeches one second, but turns other humans into zombies.
>Despite being scientists, none of the characters seem to care about this strange substance from another world potentially worth millions, except for David

What always cracks me up is that the man responsible for mapping the cave they were in gets lost. He's also a geologist and in some point in the movie he literally says he can't distinguish one rock from the other.

It is horrible.
The leaked original script is pretty good tho.

The real problem with this movie was when they were running from the big thingy they ran away straight instead of side to side so they would get squishy

They somehow manage to be dumber than the cast from the first two films.

Prometheus gang are there on an expedition to study aliens. They know 110% that they are in an alien structure with alien life. The guy who gets lost in an alien structure that is basically a cave, his job was EXACTLY not to get lost in an alien structure and that was his expertise, yet he acts surprised at the very concept of not having neon signs to the exit. The guy who removes his gloves to touch a space cobra is a fucking biologist who knows EXACTLY that it is a space cobra of unknown properties and he knows what his protection suit is for and its a fucking snakelike alien hissing at his face seemingly ready to pounce, not a motionless egg.

John Hurt in Alien found some gooey ball while exploring and he is a working class miner, not a biologist. He has no idea what he's looking at, and even so he's smart enough to be cautious and not poke it like a special needs child, it is a different scale of stupidity.

The cast in Alien 2 are just jarheads, and they act perfectly like jarheads would in such a situation.

theres a chance that cryo sleep induces mild brain damage.

Whilst the Prometheus crew is indeed retarded, they gang from Alien: Covenant makes them look like Nobel prize winners.

What never made sense to me is why Weyland felt the need to sneak aboard his own expedition that he was financing.

Has anyone ever told you guys you aren't fun?

seems like everyone thought he was dead already.

At least they’ve retconned David creating the alien. I don’t know what the fuck Ridley was thinking with that bullshit.

It is mind boggling how stupid it was. Absolute trash movie. It shits on the mystery of the Alien world that is built up so expertly.

I always thought the derelict ship was contorted and fucked up because it had crashed landed and sustained heavy damage. Just like the Nostromo had landed and also taken some minor damage. Turns out the super intelligent engineers designed their ships to look like a kid's drawing...

Round house kick a shit movie into the concrete, slam dunk a retarded movie idea in the trash can.

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desu the only issue with Prometheus is trying to connect Alien to some big lore or mythology
they're just BBCs that can run and spit acid, no idea why Ridley got into his head that they're big space myths or something. They didn't even have some big mystery, they were quite literally just cool monsters that we can make stories out of.

maybe he had to sell it as an Alien movie to get studio backing? I dunno, but it does sour the whole thing
if Prometheus was disconnected from Alien and had just some vague references I think it would've been fine. It's not even that bad of a film, Covenant is the trash one

Ridley Scott is a wank stain who thinks that he's the sole authority on the franchise because he made one good movie in it. Granted, Prometheus as bad as resurrection, but it's pretty fucking close

>hauling vessel vs state of the art scientific exploratory ship

Prometheus isn't as bad as Resurrection*

I hate what this guy did to his own franchise. He 'fleshed it out' by turning it into a retarded video game tier plot

One ship used Mac, the other PC. Simple as.

>DUDE so it was like, actually all orchestrated by a precursor race!! We're their descendents! How trippy is that!

>>Tech somehow regressed.
Prometheus was a rich man's yacht, Nostromo was a cargo ship.

i also find it strange both of his new aliens have an interracial relationship out of nowhere, at least resurection didnt have that

I like it and re-watch it from time to time. All the hate is from people that expected xenomorph horror and/or don't understand the movie. Even an iota above normie garbage makes people's brains freeze. Literally and I am sorry to have to use this 2deep4u.

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I just remembered there was an interracial sex scene between Ripley and the alien and it was way less disgusting than the interspecies sex scene in Prometheus.

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You will never be an oldfag

its even worse in the covenant. i seriously think ridley has gone mad

Ridley somehow forgot how alien life cycle in covenant.

In the original Alien, it went: facehugger-->pink worm-like defenceless chestburster-->full grown xenomorph

In Covenant it's: facehugger-->mini-alien-->full grown alien (becuase Ridley hates the term xenomorph for some reason, when it literally just means alien life-form.)


The studio forced Ridley to make the film into some alien prequel, and when he gave a reason as to why the engineers hated us and had abandoned us, the fact that we had killed Jesus Christ (who was sent by the engineers) after they had tried several times to give us enlightenment, they cut it because they didn’t like the religious symbolism, thus leaving it completely unknown as to why the engineers hated us.