Why did Live PD and now, On Patrol Live, trigger so many journalists?

Why did Live PD and now, On Patrol Live, trigger so many journalists?

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Can't show the police doing their jobs and being competent while also disrupting the criminal activities of certain groups of people.

Funny thing is is that they mostly arrest white people and do their best to avoid showing certain groups getting arrested.

It should be legal to hunt down and execute (((journalists))) in their homes and offices. They need to be forced to constantly have to look over their shoulders in fear for their lives.


It is if you dont get caught.

Based, gradually I began to hate them


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well that's one way to get on the show


It shows people at the lowest and most disastrous moments of their life for a profit. You only give it a pass because you’re autistic and incapable of understanding this.

>It shows people at the lowest and most disastrous moments of their life for a profit.
You wouldn't care if it didn't show your beloved, cherished negros being arrested.

Its a tv show made by rich media moguls that exploits poor people for profit. Journalists don't really care about poor people though, as they themselves are paid by the aforementioned moguls. It was just hollow virtue signaling meant to turn a profit.

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I feel the same for the white trade they gleefully parade for niggers to laugh at.

Plebs love seeing someone lower in the rung get bullied by the law. That's their circuses.

>It shows people at the lowest and most disastrous moments of their life for a profit
Why would I give a shit about some druggie or drunk getting their asses handed?

>You must love niggers if you don't instantly jump to the conclusion "people think its bad because of niggers getting arrested"
Why are Americans always so polarized?

t. differentfag

I hope you never get dealt a shit hand by life and then have it filmed on tv.

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>Plebs love seeing someone lower in the rung get bullied by the law.
>That's their circuses.
Why do you idiots act like you're somehow different than the "plebs" you rave against, when you do the same thing to random retards on the internet?

>I hope you never get dealt a shit hand by life
I'm not a druggie or drunk, so I doubt that's ever happening. Thanks for the concern tho.

>dealt a shit hand
I've been arrested twice in my life and both times it was for shit I shouldn't have been doing (underaged drinking and vandlaism). Thankfully, the second time was what woke me the fuck up. Now, I'm married, house, kid on the way, etc. 90% of what happens to people is in their power to change or overcome.


I didn't watch that often, but every ep I ever saw of Cops was either white trash domestic violence calls or white trash being pulled over and found with drugs. Don't think I ever actually saw any blacks.

they don't want people to see police as humans, but an dangerous force that has to be controlled politically and only used to target the "right" people (their political enemies)

I’m sure you wish there was a recording of those moments for everyone in your life to look up and use to judge your character.

Can you make a tutorial?

Thank you for showing me your complete lack of reading comprehension. I never implied the shit hand would be you getting arrested. You could just as easily end up in a car crash because of bad luck and then see yourself in the local news after some ambulance chasing amateur journalist sells the video of it for profit.

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If I was on Cops at the time, sure, I deserved it. Not to mention, those people have to sign a waiver before it's aired. The show is on a timed delay.

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You aren’t smart enough to understand the post you’re responding to. I’m sorry user, but I’m glad you cleaned up and found a job in retail.

you can always tell who's never seen an episode of livepd/on patrol live

>I never implied the shit hand would be you getting arrested.
Backpedaling already?
>You could just as easily end up in a car crash because of bad luck and then see yourself in the local news after some ambulance chasing amateur journalist sells the video of it for profit.
Why the fuck would I ever give a shit about any of that?

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I am a firm believer that White Liberals should not be protected by the police. They deserve to be carjacked, raped, and murdered. Their mothers deserve to identify them in the morgue. Their fathers deserve to watch them lowered into a hole in the ground. Closed casket preferable.

For a time my friends and I made it a hobby to look up recent murders, where some negro beats a white woman to death or kills some 60 year old grandfather, and we'd look up their facebooks, nice and quick before they could be looked, and find out their political leanings.

Let me tell you, nothing changed my opinion on our skyrocketing homicide rates like that. Why I am pleasantly reminded of Mollie Tibbets, a good little leftist if there ever was one, and her brutal rape and murder by Jose Ramos, a criminal invader ("illegal immigrant") who stuffed her into a car trunk, took her out into a corn field, and brutally raped her, before leaving her with her belly sliced open in the middle of nowhere. A shrieking, painful death--but well deserved.

There are hundreds--hundreds!--of cases like this. I encourage you to try it yourself, when some 12 year old white girl gets her throat cut by a violent black, look up her parents, and see their pride-flag covered feeds, their bootlicking leftoid comments. Know that if that child had lived, she would've grown up to be a Democrat, just like her parents.

Really takes the edge off. We should defund the police in every major city. We should disarm them. Let them pay with their daughters' intestines for their anti-white beliefs.

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You replied to me insinuating I wouldn't want my low moments captured on film. I said I would have deserved it if I fucked up.
I then added that even if I was on film, I would have had to have signed a waiver in order for it be on TV anyway.
Now tell me who can;t read.

That user implied that you would ever leave your disgusting little cave. Definitely in the wrong there.

You hear about stories like that all the time and the parents still "forgive" their daughter's rapist and killers. No amount of trauma will wake those people up.

>people ITT unironically defending criminal niggers

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bolice kino

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I've heard about it, seen it even, but that merely makes the pain more richly deserved. While cuckolds who do not love their children (I could just say Liberals here) may not learn anything from watching their daughter be beaten to death by a pack of apes with rocks, like Amy Biehl was, others will see, and learn, from the horror.

Reminder that Cops has always tried to minimize the amount of niggers on the show.

No one said you can’t read. You simply can’t grasp what the words mean or their broader implications. Also, there is nothing wrong with working in retail. It’s perfect for simple minded npc types.