/RoP/ - Rings of Power General

Your mom edition


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I don't even remember what happens...

Which community's reception is the most positive so far?

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you're beautiful

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I love her bros

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can someone post the rat webm

O lawdy dem rangs
(O lawdy dem rangs!)

Oh Yes dem rangs
(Oh Yeeess dem rangs!)

We gonna find
find dem find dem rangs!
(yes fiiiind dem rangs)

She deserves the world!

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How do I express my love for the character of young Galadriel to normies without it seeming like anything sexual (which it really isn't), instead it's just the appreciation of cuteness and beauty it's like a little flower or a little cat that you want to protect?

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>/goy/ Goyslopper General

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I'm confused, can someone explain this pic to me

No, its gibberish

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That has to be one of the most retarded "butwhatabout gotchas" I've ever seen.

Because I have always loved Galadriel as a character, especially how she is described in her younger years, yet here they have turned her Noldorian side up to 11 where she feels almost like an anime character at times. It's just a cool starting point for her that also allows for alot of character progression/development.

Also I really like the actress and think she's hot af.
So really her depiction in this show is kind of a perfect storm for me liking her.

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>Elon bothers to checking out an Amazon TV show

Amazon shills are still trying to make generals of this JEWISH DOGSHIT after Elon BLASTED them publicly?

what do you mean? he's just like us! he posts memes on twitter and everything! he even eats peanut butter sandwiches!!!

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Has anyone checked on Varg? He might be dead from an aneurysm from this show

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>it's bad because eceleb said so


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>it's good because actress said you're racist if you don't like it!!!
only fair
since we're being dishonest and jewish and all

Well, it sure getting occupied.

He said that Galadriel was the only 'character which is nice in the show' lol
He hasn't watched it

incredible how it only took them a few years to completely co-opt everything by simply promoting things people want to hear
really makes you think

This show would greatly benefit from gratuitous male nudity. Just my 2 cents.