Movies are such a waste of time

Movies are such a waste of time

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>Movies are never about true stories

then why would you go this way instead of just posting porn?

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>t. talentless hackscandinavian director that only makes shitty movies that try to make you feel bad about trying to do something enjoyable and entertaining like watch a movie, like trying to make starship troopers ebil nazis but everyone just likes the movie

Twitter ruined everything lol

Shitskin teens cannot go 10 minutes without posting social media screenshots

if you don't want to see a bunch of white noise that isn't real to distract you from what matters then why are you using the internet

RW Twitter is just a grip of midwit Zoomers trying to imitate faggots like Landshark and being contrarian about everything

hes reddit

If Twitter was deleted tomorrow, the world would improve ten fold.

I bet this same retard is watching endless tiktok garbage.
Storytelling goes back to cave painting times.

I read it more as an "Ceci n'est pas une pipe" kind of statement.

This is basically why I won't watch Licorice Pizza. PTA is my favourite director but I don't watch movies about childhood romances because it's just too depressing. Punch Drunk Love is pure kino because Barry is autistic but LP is just too much

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I got fucked hard by a tranny yesterday AMA

don't be an idiot, it's been a useful containment chamber and imagine how many of them would come here if it happened
i wouldn't have to even know about anything that goes on there if fags here weren't constantly 'reporting' on it

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The scene that killed Any Forums.

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>op gave it a like
what a couple of faggots

>t. mentally ill person

As if focusing on all the bad shit in the world is the healthiest way to live

>Biden voters

hobbies are for fags.

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with watching movies. The nature (or purported nature) of hobbies is dubious anyways sometimes; I don’t see why watching movies can’t be one (filmmaking is a real, genuine thing after all), and, albeit somewhat off topic, some people will put their jobs before their hobbies but if they can make money off what their hobby is why not do that instead (assuming they don’t really like their job)?
I don’t really know if I consider anything I do or like a hobby; I just have interests, there are things I like, and many of them I do.
The individual in the webm seems rather scathing and mean for what it’s worth anyways.

>torrent last night in soho
>film is about a dream of MC
>stop watching
Jesus fuck