Post the exact moment when Sunny tried into garbage


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I mean to type turned, fuck

When Danny Devitos character was introduced in like the third season and it just turned into reddit: the show.

He was introduced in the 2nd season
Also cringe opinion

>cringe opinion
holy shit he was right, reddit show for reddit fans

>calling opinions "cringe"
you're an asshole dude lol grow the fuck up


Gave up during the gay ass political episode with mindy kaling. But yeah op youre right

>building up and telegraphing all this for 5+ seasons
>Whaaaaaah oh noes the ghays blah blah SJW woke the homos muh chud cis sensibilities r hurt whaaaaaaa!

A reminder there are people really as stupid and pathetic as OP


Yeah one of the worst by far

The beginning of the episode titled "The Gang Gets Racist."

>grow the fuck up

wasn't the Mac is gay but won't admit it a joke, and well the joke is over, but it ended on a weird fucking note.

I hated it because it asked me to look at one of the characters sympathetically. Completely retarded.

>Mac bangs Carmen when she still has dick
>Gets pissed and godfaggy when Carmen gets srs surgery bc he expected a phone call
>Wants to fuck Dennis
>Gay for years
>Comes out in the lottery episode
>Episode after Dennis points out to a friend Mac is gay and Mac says "Whoa not true"

Which the fuck is it, Rob? And why does this dumb plotline matter so much? Whole reason Mac is gay, despite banging the waitress at point, is bc he banged a chick with a dick at one point and couldn't get over it.

More like Danny Doritos

The Dennis doll saved that episode though

dont care what you retards think

the show is still good

Peaked with the D.E.N.N.I.S. system

Season 8 was the last consistently decent season

Every season after only had one or two good episodes

Isn't that the first episode? Oh. Ooooooh.

lel this made me laugh out loud

Mac being so obsessed with the male form that it bordered on the erotic with him being totally oblivious to the fact is infinitely funnier and more clever than “meh he’s gay I guess”

Seasons 11 and 12 hands down the worst of the series.