What are your thoughts about this kid movie?

What are your thoughts about this kid movie?

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I want a tv series that adapts the book more faithfully.

I do too but in today's film industry it would somehow turn into "white men bad", wouldn't it?

Dinosaur fun

it is no longer a kid movie by today standards

It's a family movie.

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I hated the blonde girl and the screaming.T-Rex still looks great and the music is amazing. The philosophical aspect of it is a bit too preachy. It probably comes across better in the book.

I hate Spielberg for basically inventing the blockbuster and ruining Hollywoid.

What was wrong with Lex?

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Daily reminder that you should NOT still be here after your 30th.

Delete this site from you history and get your life together.

Did he really invent the blockbuster, though? The Towering Inferno came out the year before Jaws.

It's the millennials' number one blockbuster. Trying to belittle it only makes you look like a bratty contrarian.

He didn’t but user is a faggot who believes he’s right because he said so.

It's young people who shouldn't be on this site. They should be out living their life, instead of shitposting here. Older people have seen some shit and need a place to vent like this.

Rewatch it. Jurassic Park was always pozzed. It's filled with very subtle but extremely jewish propaganda. Back then society was less brainwashed than now, so they couldn't go as crazy as now with the racial humiliation and subsersion but it's there.

Zoomers don't know how to live

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Jaws was good.

it was a really well done family film adaptation of the book.
the book was (is always) better though

I only realised on a recent re-watch that the whole movie happened because that one worker died at the beginning. It all makes so much sense now.

schizo, Crichton is based

A shame they killed off Muldoon.

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