Adds reference to The Secret Fire from The Silmarillion

>Adds reference to The Secret Fire from The Silmarillion
>Not in the original trilogy
Dropped. How could Jackson meddle with Tolkien's perfect legendarium like this?

Attached: Unknown.jpg (300x168, 5.23K)

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Nah that one is actually in the books

That scene is almost word for word from the book.

Peter Jackson changed some stuff for dramatic effect and altered appearances of some characters but that's it.
The new Amazon series acts as if characters who never could have ever met each other were friends (since they're shrinking 1500 years to 50!) and are completely changing some characters. Galadriel is one of the oldest living beings in Middle-Earth yet is treated like a second-class citizen.

Pure unrefined copium.

He says "cannot pass" in the book you Mandelaed faggot.

God, Fellowship is a such good movie.

It's OK when it's my nostalgia retcon but Amazon bad corporations bad onions good

He completely deleted Tom Bombadill and Sharkey you fucking retard.

>hes arguing with the voices in his head again

This is the thing. So far we haven't seen Celeborn but it's assumed we never will and this is unforgivable.
The movies literally cut out Glorfindel, Bombadil, the Barrow Downs, and the entire post-ending except for a small montage.

Yet you're the one mad about a black elf.

>completely deleted Tom
How did merry get a morgul blade idiot? Jackson himself said everything with Tom happened but it wasn’t on camera

Can you find a quote where I said that? Are you sure you’re not just a schizo arguing with your own shadow?


Nobody mentioned the black elf. Take your meds, schizo.

I should have expanded on my "dramatic effect" remark but what I mean is that shit like the Scouring and Tom Bombadil would have completely fucked the pacing of the movies. Things were cut to heighten tension.
The films are of course abridged versions since you can't adapt every single thing in LOTR without making it a long miniseries, but Rings of Power aren't movies, so Amazon has no excuse.
They're changing stuff they have no business changing, they don't have to conform to the format of a movie trilogy yet they're fucking up so many basic things.

Merry and Pippin get their swords from Aragorn and they get daggers from Galadriel and Celeborn

Changes in the old LotR adaptations mostly serve the narrative in condensing it into a set of movies. Nobody denies that there are stupid changes like Legolas' crazy acrobatics or Gimli knowing what a nervous system is.

RoP has changed things about Galadriel's established history at this point (namely being married and a mother) to create a contrived girl power narrative, when honestly Galadriel is already important and doesn't need her husband and daughter deleted to make her strong or interesting.

Just come to terms with the fact he just looks silly.
You'll be less upset at people pointing it out when you do.

Of all the movies you could've complained about you chose the most faithful one.
The valid complaint about the Fellowship is that it kills Frodo's character since it takes away his moments of stabbing the Nazgûl and challenging them after crossing the river, making him seem like a weak coward

The movies infantilize the Hobbits quite a lot too.
In the books Frodo comes off like a small Lord, responsible and in control.
Still good.