Following the test screenings, the film received the lowest scores in the history of Paramount. According to Lansing...

>Following the test screenings, the film received the lowest scores in the history of Paramount. According to Lansing, "The audience thought that Jodie's character deserved the rape."
Do you agree, Any Forums?
And before you faggot jannies say anything, YES i do have to link to a porn site because you can't find this scene anywhere on youtube.

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>provokes the situation and puts up no resistance during the making out part
It's definitely a bit hard to see her purely as a victim.

Dumb whore deserved it lol
Islam and even pre cucked Christianity told these whores what will happen if they behaved like that and then they act surprised if they get raped (like they deserve)

This is all the "rape" cases. Those whores acted like they wanted and then cried rape lol. We need to legalize rape of unmarried women and women who are out without a male guidance for White men only.

It depresses me that my daughter is going to grow up in a world with people like you.

If your daughter doesn't act like a whore and is out with a male guidance nothing will happen to her.
If she gets raped that's all on her being a whore lol

I just want to say one thing about that movie - Jodie Foster had the absolute saddest ass I have ever seen. That thing was just loose skin hanging off the lower back. Absolutely reprehensible.

why can't it go both ways? Men shouldn't rape but also women shouldn't be cockteasing whores. Why is the onus only on males, don't women have free-will or something?

White men should have the allowance to rape any unmarried woman who is out without a male guidance

deserve? nah, she didn't deserve to be raped, but she had zero situational awareness and ended up raped for it. women seem to think that because they're treated a certain way by the men they routinely interact with, that every man they encounter will treat them in a similar fashion and that ain't the case.

Fuck around and find out lmao, she totally deserved it, the whore

why do they always reverse the fucking names? always. and don't tell me it's listed by celebrity status, because foster was a bigger star than whoever the fuck the other girl is.

You didn't watch the movie?

As a woman (yes, trans women are women), I find your opinions being deeply problematic

Captcha: HMMMK2

My id says otherwise :-)

How big was your daddies cock?

(((They))) are not even trying to hide it at this point
You are a woman legally, good for you. But biologically you are an abomination. I feel sorry for you, it’s a terrible fate.

Your daughter is a slut.

is that fuckin Mayborn from SG 1?

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ITT anons argue about a fictitious scene from a movie as though it is real

*hits pipe*

Never actually seen this, but I've seen both the South Park and Drawn Together parodies of it.

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The stuff happening with Foster in the movie is based on an actual incidence in 1983, a waitress was gang raped in a bar she served.

>Say you can't joke about something because it's not funny. Comedians run into that shit all the time. Like rape. They'll say, "you can't joke about rape. Rape's not funny." I say, "fuck you, I think it's hilarious. How do you like that?" I can prove to you that rape is funny. Picture Porky Pig raping Elmer Fudd. See, hey why do you think they call him "Porky," eh? I know what you're going to say. "Elmer was asking for it. Elmer was coming on to Porky. Porky couldn't help himself, he got a hard- on, he got horney, he lost control, he went out of his mind.

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don't teach your daughter to be careful. teach men not to rape.

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