This is okay with supposed "Tolkien fans" but actual good decent filmmaking with a few minorities they unironically...

this is okay with supposed "Tolkien fans" but actual good decent filmmaking with a few minorities they unironically shit themselves kek

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Peter Jackson always was a hack.
Hobbit was a rape.
Rings of Power are just a rape-baby.
But it's still Jackson who is the rapist.

No, both are criticized and ridiculed. Keep seething

They CGI in RoP is better than the Hobbit Trilogy I'll give them that.

This wasn't okay with Tolkien fans and they're annoyed that there's now plenty more of this bullshit getting crapped into existence.

They are both shit. Lurk more faggot

That was ever okay you delusional faggot, the Hobbit trilogy was a total mistake.

you're posting this because you saw posters here bitch about it in the past, be honest.

Wouldn't jumping on falling stones just cause them to fall faster?

because the mask has slipped off of this racist lily white ass sub.



Elves are weird. In Fellowship Legolas is described as walking on top of snow while everyone else struggles, leaving no footprints and not sinking in whatsoever.

Legolas footsteps are so light that it doesn't happen, like the other user said. That is not the problem with that scene

Attached: legolas-lord.gif (240x180, 2.16M)

>both are criticized and ridiculed
That's the point, dummy. The show is doing things better than these piece of shit movies. It should be praised instead.

>this is okay with supposed "Tolkien fans"
No. No it's not. It;s reviled by Tolkien fans.

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>This is okay with Tolkien fans
Not the point, read OP again. Nobody is okay with the Hobbit's attempts at cool moments like this or the barrels shit. Even LOTR was pushing it with the shield surfing and Legolas one-shoting the olyphant

would you say they're getting the same amount or intensity of criticism? and which one do you think deserves more? the questions btw are rhetorical faggot, don't bother answering.

Oh hey even made it into the films

>in universe dark skins are canonically naturally more inclined to evil and corruption
>wtf the fans of this are racist

Fuck off, shill

Pulling the hobbit out isnt gonna make RoP less of a women drama for women

That came out 20 years ago and it didn't cost 1 billion dollars

Never noticed that because the DVD transfers were so bad back then lmao

8 actually.

one billion

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