Unuronicly i like his character

He was probably the most memed character before release, but his giving me positive likeable incel nigger warrior meme

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black elves are fucking stupid fuck this stupid show

brown hands typed this post

Are you fucking retarded? He looks the most jarringly 2022 nigger of any of the cast and he's already got a scene about reparations. Neck yourself shill.

He's fucking and dull to watch, also the short back and sides hairstyle is fucking jarring.


Thugolas, what do your niggerish eyes see.

Elves are fucking stupid, fuck this retarded franchise

Yeah whatever, I can handle him. I wish he was the only token rather than putting them in the with the dwarves and hobbits aswell

Negrolass, whe da rangz at nigga

Which part did you like about him.
That he's a black mutt or that he lectured a teenage white boy on how he's eternally guilty of slavery because of his white skin?

His stupid haircut is just insulting

He's the worst part of the show. And he's not very incel when he's got white bitch craving the interracial

What happened to that fucker who kept spamming that Q&A claiming that all the diversity would be explained like Arondir being a halfbreed and looked down upon, Disa being from a different dwarven kingdom etc?


babby opinion because you have been consoooming garbage your whole life that you cant even tell the difference between good and trash.

That's the production shill. He never admits he's wrong, he just moves on to different strategies. He posts mostly in one of the containment generals now, luckily.

>positive likeable incel
He's literally me

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Do you also lecture white kids about how dey ain't nevvah nawt guilty of slavery.

...I just realized I'd seen that guy's spam so much I accepted it as fact. For some reason I thought he was repeating it from some interview or something. But the black dwarf implied she'd always been on Khazad-dum, and the black elf is treated as if he's any other elf. There isn't going to be an explanation. We're just to assume all these groups are naturally ethnically diverse.

Literally everything is trash except Satantango and the unreleased B-version of Laurence Oliviers Hamlet, you massive fucking pleb. Every patrician knows, but we try very hard to sort through the different qualities of the rest (which is all trash) so we can still have meaningful discussions despite the fact that there will never, ever be made a good movie.

Fuck off shill. No black existed here.