Normal Film is so boring and predictable

I am sick of normal films. I recently took a gander at surrealist film "The Red Spectacles" and boy let me tell you, this has quickly become one of my favorite movies of all time. When the empotion hits it hits HARD. Also the strange way the story is set up involving (seemingly) only one building to tell a story as massive as Kerebo about Corrupt governments and the people who fight them and fight for them. It's very good. The slapstick that was randomly tossed around was so strange and out of place it seemingly smoothed over the otherwise, rather, dry humor that was being preformed. IMDB gives it a 6.5 but personally I absolutely LOVE this movie and I think this is unfair. I would easily rank this a sold 8 or 9.

Anyways, my point is that surrealist Flim and Cenima is far superior that "Protagonist exists and fights bad guiys and wins in the end" or other similarly preditable tropes. Recommend me some awesome surrealist shit like The Red Spectacles, please. I will watch American shit like this in English but I would prefer foreign media to EU/US and also I would most prefer Japanese culture, ofc.

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Save the green planet (Korean)

Schizo neet incel thinks aliens disguised as humans run the world and decides to take matters into his own hands

>implying the red spectacles doesn't have a dumb predictable trope at the end
The end sucks, none of it mattering and it all being le dream is fucking stupid

did you even watch it? It wasn't a dream retard. did you just turn it off when he woke up in the theater a second time? Are you brain dead?

a fucking mexian tricked our film streaming club into watching that turd a few years ago
the worst turd i've ever seen
proof that Oshii is a meme

My nigga you do realize that the entire Kerberos saga is just the writer seething about Japan not being lefty enough for him right

The end is literally the villains finding his dead body after the hotel shootout. Nothing past like the 20 min mark mattered

Surrealism is unironically the rick and morty of serious art.

lol are you 12

He was literally fucking killed you dumb ass. The government killed him to get their suit back which they didn't find.

God damn Mutts are so retarded.

sounds like starship troopers, where gay leftwing satire or subtext gets totally cucked by handsome people with cool guns, ie fascism

It's better than some faggot hobbits going to throw a ring into a volcano.

It's not "satire", it's intended as a critique of Japanese society from the started. Imagine consuming literal communist propaganda

Are you actually retarded? When he first fought the enemy squad in the hotel he died. The rest of the movie was just him going through purgatory basically. But nothing actually happened in the time period between the initial hotel shower fight and the end where they find the case of red spectacles

I don't "consume" anything, I take things and use them for my own purposes.

Attached: jin roh mg42 dream.png (2000x1069, 1.08M)

fucking braindead nigger retard
stupid ass thread, have a sayj

Are YOU fucking retarded? What about the movie gives this impression in this scene? The scene is intended to show the power level of the main protagonist. He is a fucking hyper trained killing machine builkt by the government from the ground up who went rouge. The didn't actually DIE though. The production of the movie obviously was done on a budget that's why the one reason why the scenes are so Avant-garde.

Imagine being so cucked to your ideology (a cuck ideology none the less) that you can't even watch a movie that might present ideals that oppose your own because you are afraid you might actually learn something. What a pathetic person.

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Look at where he died, in the showers where the movie started. I feel like I'm being baited now because there's no way you missed the obvious death dream thing that was going on. Just rewatch the movie or find some guy on leddit explain this to you because it's fucking clear as day what happened here. Fucking "unpredictable non tropes" surrealist film with the oldest twist in the book

Attached: ded.jpg (1589x1274, 121.52K)

Wouldn't this logic break the contingency of Kerberos?

Check out Branded To Kill. It's another wild Japanese film that you'll enjoy.

Attached: brandedtokill.jpg (1280x720, 102.31K)

what do you mean

If this was "Just a dream" then the whole movie plot becomes moot.

Finally! Thanks frien.

Yes, it is moot. None of the movie happened, that's what im complaining about

I like Jin-Roh but I only care about the action parts.
I'd love to see 120 minutes of the cool armored guys mowing down rebels.
But instead I had to watch a bloo bloo I'm psychologically scarred and now I can't stop thinking :<
So I rate it 3/10 (and the FEW fighting parts 10/10)

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You might have trouble finding a torrent so here's the archive for it Enjoy