Why was he so popular with women? he literally died in like 3 episodes

why was he so popular with women? he literally died in like 3 episodes

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he was a rapist that's why ,if you also want women to like you user please
>be a rapist

He had big dick energy like Pete Davidson.

Women want to be raped.

He's a Chad who fucks. On screen even. Of course women like him.

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Rapist here. Can confirm.
Women (pretend to) resist when I rape them but they dont complain afterwards.

all women want to be raped by a muscle-bound savage, anyone who tells you otherwise is either lying or stupid

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>they dont complain afterwards
so you are a murderer too ?

I murder them with my cock

stick em with pointy ends ,I like it

He’s attractive.

Anyone who’s ever seen the trashy romance pseudo-erotic paperback books at the bookstore that are super popular with women was already aware of this, they’re all about bitches getting ravished by a barbarian/pirate/vampire/knight/mafia boss/goblin king ect

word on the street is that he has a very average sized cock but massive, and I mena MASSIVE balls.

see is pretty good. i'm really surprised

It's different when the woman has an emotional connection with the guy calling her that since it's all an act. Lots of women get off on being degraded and being submissive the same way men get off on being dominant.

It makes sense when you think about it
Whos children are more likely to pass on their genes
The rapist or the beta male


-Extremely tall
-Muscly as fuck
-Lean enough to look fit but not so much that he looks gross
-Career rapist
-Dark hair/tanned skin
-Actually a bloody handsome looking lad
This is literally every woman's dream man and you would be hard pressed to find a woman who wouldn't break her pelvis opening their legs for him

Besides the obvious which everyone has already stated, most women don’t have the attention span to watch past those 3 episodes.

Also the leader of a band of ferocious warriors and a badass killer

hes a horse lord

bitches love horses

>since it's all an act.
Whatever you need to believe to cope.

Brutal horsepill. Women are getting bored of dog knots and now need something bigger.

He killed her brother. And was never going to make her a queen. She would always be subservient to him