I did my best it wasn't much, I couldn't feel so I tried to touch

I did my best it wasn't much, I couldn't feel so I tried to touch.

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it was her turn


>This embroils the chud

mmmm broiled chud

I already hated that song , this just made me hate it more

but the chuds won.

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Trump lost

The original works, because Hallelujah is sung with a tone just this side of saying halle-fucking-luja, but people sing the damn song like a hymn.

i blame jeff buckley. he was based, but it's his version everyone is trying to copy now

Everything according to plan.

"We're (jewish comedy writers) not going to keep fighting (writing trump poop jokes). And neither should YOU!"

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but you dont really care for comedy do you?

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What do you think that word means esl?

it goes like this: no jokes, no hits,
the audience groans and the media cheers,
the baffled user wonders where's the humour

>libs were so embroiled they had to cry on a comedy show in front of millions because their preferred pedo shabbos goy lost to the other pedo shabbos goy

'member when libtards did their own version of stop the steal and qanon for 4 years?

>Hilary Clinton loses election
>Famous musician dies
>Have Hilary sing a somber song written by that musician
Perfectly normal thing for a weekly sketch show to do, commenting on events that happened that week. I don't know why people think it's embarrassing.

Hillary will never be President.

this was before the election, it was snl shamelessly shilling to vote for her

wrong! it was after she lost!

Yeah bro, I can't figure out why a sketch comedy show with the ostensible remit to lampoon all forms of politics goes full retard and shows their ass like the world just ended. How hilarious!

fake news

is there anything more libtarded than SNL these days?

Because SNL once was a comedy show and this was blatant ass kissing.

This was skincrawlingly retarded, but I do like ol Kate

Third time's the charm!

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1st time I've seen it chud.

you're an moran!

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