I did not like "Nathan For You". It actually irritated me

I did not like "Nathan For You". It actually irritated me.
So I'm guessing there is no point in watching this...
Is there?

Attached: MV5BNGI3ZTgwMzItMTA0ZC00NTFhLTkzNTQtMDBkMDc2NmVmY2NkXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTM1MTE1NDMx._V1_.jpg (1688x2500, 771.16K)


Do whatever you want, you stupid fucking faggot.

watch Rings of Power

nfy was good and this wasn't
so give it a shot
skip ep1 you won't like it

The first episode is worth watching, the rest is navel-gazing garbage brought on by covid restrictions.

It's times like these that I curse the Chinese for inventing gunpowder

Was Nathan for you too Jewish?

Ya, this show kinda sucked. The first episode was funny, but not anywhere near as funny as Nathan for you so if you didn’t like that you wouldn’t like this show at all. After the first episode they completely lost the premise too, it would have at least been better if every episode was just a different person and different rehearsal. But ya, this show was not funny and the fact that every defense of this show and the complaints against it resort to “2deep4u” just goes to show how shit the show really was.

>over the top kooky christian lady with conviction is anti-semitic and bad but it's le balanced cause jewish lady says nate should be more jewish
Just watch the first one and the episode called gold digger.

Watch the first episode and then stop, even if you liked it.

How dare you not like the king of Reddit Comedy

yeah for sure bro. fuckin pseuds and their pretentious garbage. Gonna go play some Warzone and get the anger out, bro wanna duo bruh?

Attached: Rehersing the bite.webm (1150x644, 2.81M)

Absolutely not. I almost guarantee you will hate it.

Haha isn’t that situation so silly and absurd? It’s so ridiculous XD

This. The first episode was hilarious and if they kept it to a different person each episode it would've been kino. Maybe even beyond kino.

You didn't find that funny?! What are you queer? make like a tree and get fucked bro.

Attached: Vin D.webm (1920x800, 2.98M)


I'm not into anti-humor. The show is terrible.

>goy now need goyslop friend chicken

Nah even then I don’t think so. This is like making a series out of an entire Nathan for you episode. The premise would just get boring I think. It’s just the same thing every time, funny at first but gets old.

It was funny in the first episode, but the idea got boring by then.

>anti humour

What is this meme, there's nothing anti-humoristic about it

anti hero
anti humor
subversion of expectations
uh, yeah, no THANKS

Yeah bro door city had me on the FLOOR fucking dying lmao. You dumb fuck

You sound fun user. Can we hang out?

Attached: RUbo good boy.webm (1280x720, 2.81M)

>You sound so boring cause you don't like the thing I like
This is your brain on soi

Post something funny and prove it. You do have something funny right user?

Attached: Blade 4.webm (853x480, 2.79M)

is that a... walking robot dog/fleshlight