Fall was a movie that I saw recently

Fall was a movie that I saw recently
i liked it, shall we have a discussion of it?

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As someone who's done a fair amount of rock-climbing, I just couldn't get over how inaccurately and unsafely they did literally everything

thats why i watched it, even though im scared of heights

The faux aging paint on that ladder is not remotely believable.

it definitely has plenty of plot holes, like why wouldnt they tell someone where they were going?
how did they both not just fall to their deaths when the ladder fell?
but i dont climb so i was able to appreciate the film better being ignorant of the technical stuff

>but i dont climb so i was able to appreciate the film better being ignorant of the technical stuff
It's kind of frustrating knowing anything about climbing because of how badly it portrays it. To sum it up, the husband could never have died in that way.
Additionally, the way they refused to fasten themselves to literally anything when they were up there was triggering my anxiety hard

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i believe it

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i was so distracted by the other girl that i was taken aback by how stacked she turned out to be

How about when she wrestled with a huge ass vulture 3000ft in the sky on a tiny ledge and not only didn't fall, but managed to kill it with her bare hands?

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This is a third (3rd) thread I'm seeing about this film today. Are we being raided by someone?


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>instead of enjoying dumb booba kino the incel gets triggered by minor obscure technical details
No wonder studios aren't catering to white men anymore

i looked through the catalogue and didnt see an active thread, and i just got home from watching it

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Raided by people who watch movies

>minor obscure technical details
The details aren't minor and just made everything super dangerous for no reason.

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