Is cancel culture officially dead?

Is cancel culture officially dead?

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Jewish nepotism

Canceling is for old ugly people, not hotties like Ezra

>Is nepotism officially dead?

Who is James Franco, Arnie Hammer, Harvey Weinstein?
Oh wait, they were all cancelled.

No, he's just a gaytranny Jew, and that gives him incredible plot armor. This is actually cementing the fact that "cancellation" is all about being a part of the out-group.

No one on the left will be cancelled

>lol just be a queer jewish schizo bro

You weren't going to get cancelled, so what the fuck were you worried about?

They still have all their money.

can't kill what was never alive

Armie will be back and I think Franco still does art films like he always did

holy fucking based
Ezra “It’s Okay I Wore Her Skin After I Killed Her” Miller literally will not be stopped

Cancel culture never had anything to do with actual rapists/murderers, it was about punishing people with right-wing beliefs.

>This guy called a woman beautiful! Destroy his life!

>This guy groomed a girl since age 12, convinced her she was trans, then kidnapped her and then dated for years? D’awww that rascal

It should be pretty obvious to everyone with more than 70iq that “cancel culture” is punishment for some insubordination and the whatever scandal they dig up is just theatre for the masses

oh wow, super rich jews who never worked a day in their lifes, can't do as many movies. True justice, indeed.


Only if you suck the right cocks in Hollywood

This. Ezra is a tranny, so he gets a pass. If Cosby hadn't been the first one, he would have too

Who are the real victims?

This is exactly why the murderer went full pozzed

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The poor, poor, right wingers. How they are so ever constantly victimized! They are the REAL victims here! Somebody alert the news! Alert social media! The Right's being VICTIMIZED again. Oh no!

here is the list of celebrities who have been successfully cancelled:

Cosby is a conservative, user. They've been trying to cancel him for years as he's been very inconvenient for (((them))). It exclusively applies to right wingers. Gunn was talking about fucking underage boys explicitly on Twitter and he's back to shooting movies after a 3 week vacation to Bali.

>Michael Richards

Who do you think are the oppressed in society?

Only if you are apart of the tribe

absolutely mindbroken lmao

Who do you think you're mocking? It's objective reality. You're too fucking thick to see that Hollywood is a club?

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