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>and that's CHURCH yo

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Shameless ripoff of Malcolm

Literally the exact moment the show went to shit

It was at this exact moment that I realized I was watching one of the greatest shows ever created. Truly amazing.

If this writer sucked his own dick any more he would become a living ourouboros. In BB it was almost always decent, in BCS it was incessantly unnecessary and pretentious

He reminds me of Kojima actually. He needs some self-awareness

sorry but that's some pretty flimsy deduction

BCS was amazing. Are you one of those soul-dead zoomers that doesn't understand inherent meaning?

>pac man reference
Fucking zoomers with their fortnight mindcraft computer game shit.


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one of the rare plot holes in breaking bad, i dont think it devalues the show though


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in what way is it a plothole

this but unironically

wait is this actually from breaking bad?

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>plate random has a missing piece
where did it go???

you never lose a sock before?


Wait, am I going crazy or is this some meme I haven't seen? The guy Walt killed took it and hid it up his sleeve to try and kill Walt first, didn't he? It was the moment Walt realized you couldn't just let people go and had to really tie up loose ends.

it was the moment he became Heisenberg

what happened im not watching that trash ever

that's the moment he broke bad