What irks me about these movies is how humanity is a single good cause. There are no evil men on their own...

What irks me about these movies is how humanity is a single good cause. There are no evil men on their own. Grima is corrupted by Sauronman and the men of the mountains too.

Are you going to tell me every man inside the keep of Rohan and inside the city of minas tirith was a goody good shoes? You mean there wasn't 1 cunt that wasn't a creep, a burglar, a murderer?

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It's an epic story, I don't see where you think it would be fitting to explain the mundane lives of people who are irrelevant to the story.

OP there is no hope for you. You didn't even pass the most basic level of comprehension when watching the film. There are multiple examples of evil men, who stay evil, as well as stories of forgiveness and redemption.

I dont think they ever implied that there werent any creeps/burglars/murderers inside of those cities and that people there were all just morally right nigga

You dumb african male

>You mean there wasn't 1 cunt that wasn't a creep, a burglar, a murderer?
These are mundane people of little consequence and don't matter in the story of kings and battles. Tolkien worked in the continuation of the ancient, European story-telling tradition and that is based on the primary actors. The focus on mundane, small people in a narrative is a 20th century thing, as is displayed in the shift away from the "Great Man" theory of historical study.

i think Tolkien said something like he didn't believe in evil. Even orcs could be redeemed.

even from the beginning film they imply there are shady men in the human communities

The Numenorians chose to be corrupted.
Sure Sauron gave them a kick along but they had already darkened long before he arrived.

that's actually wrong though, since the main heroes are literal and figuratively small people, and it's their small people virtue that saves the day (in lotr)

>There are no evil men on their own.
What? Are you retarded or did you not watch movies?

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Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo.....
Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo!

There's a scene where Faramir ponders if the Haradrim that fight for Sauron are really evil looking at a dead one. If that is not enough, a man empathizing and feeling bad for his fallen enemy, then I don't know what else you want.

Denethor was manipulated by Sauron through the Palantir

There were no Jews so yes

there was that one retarded guy leading gondor who put himself on fire

Tolkien loved Jews and based the Dwarves off them

I rest my case

>What is Beregond

luckily in Tolkien's world, you can tell the good from the bad by their lineage, if not just by looking at their appearance
it is some simple, fairy-tale bullshit that makes midichlorians look appealing

They turned him into a nigger in the hobbit LOL

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