I'm probably making a mistake by asking this question to a bunch of Millennials and Zoomers that compose the majority...

I'm probably making a mistake by asking this question to a bunch of Millennials and Zoomers that compose the majority of this forum. But to hell with it:

What was the appeal of Star Trek in the first place? Back before "The Next Generation", when there was only The Original Series for decades on end? Kids need to know that there was a HUGE GAP between the Original Series (which ended in 1969) and the start of the Next Generation (1987). In between that gap, some TV station would ALWAYS be playing all three seasons in an eternal rerun. Not to mention the unending Star Trek conventions in that time.

What the hell sustained the fandom for nearly two decades before they got a continuation of their beloved franchise? The more I interacted with fans ("nerd culture" was a thing even back then), the more I got the impression that they were all mainly composed of fedora-tipping atheists who figured that since they (thought) they were well north of 100 IQ, they had to be a fan of Star Trek because they thought it was the intellectual patrician's choice of sci-fi.

Attached: star trek original.jpg (1200x1200, 361.72K)

There was nothing else like it and it was believe it or not the best representation of hopeful kewl outer space travel.

Also the characters are warm, make sense, and solve intriguing riddles.
OP, you're best leaving now and watching nothing but capeshit with a McIV in your arm.

>What was the appeal of Star Trek in the first place?
Cool sci-fi stories with comfy feel to it. Simple as.

>Cool sci-fi stories with comfy feel to it.
Yellow blinking lights with dudes talking with deep voices IS soothing.

Fuck you, get over yourself, you’re not the one special mature person on this board.

Real reason, which autistic Trekkies will hate. It was a space western. What TV network wanted, not Roddenberry. Why Motion Picture bombed. Nobody wanted to see Roddenberry’s boring liberal utopia. So Wrath of Khan went back to space western much to Roddenberry’s displeasure

you answered your own question
btw TAS and the movies is what held them over
also Gene literally toured the country talking at colleges the whole time, that's why they became so rabid
he was friends with L. Ron Hubbard and knew that if he wanted to he could turn Trek into the same thing
instead we got TNG

>It was a space western.
True, but it had lots of sciency stuff as well as fantasy.

Rodenberry's pitch was literally "Wagon Train to the stars" (Wagon Train was a western show in the 50's) and hired a bunch of western actors like Defforest Kelly and Nimoy. It wasn't some secret, it was intentional.

It was only one decade. The movies started coming out in 79.

Oh I know. But network wanted human conflict, swashbuckling adventures. Stuff Roddenberry was against because he felt humans should be above that shit in the future. Why Motion Picture and even early season Next Generation were boring until he died

>What the hell sustained the fandom for nearly two decades
The movies?

>early season Next Generation were boring until he died
I've been watching Next Gen every day for months and I've turned off just a couple episode that were boring, but I do know that Gene directed and produced exciting ones too, although I am not an expert like I am with old Star Wars before it got assassinated, raped, burned, and nuked.

It was ridiculously high quality scifi that took itself fairly seriously for the time. Actual literary scifi writers doing episodes and in full colour. Compare it to any of its contemporaries and theres no need to ask. There was shows like it (spaceship adventures) even before but none so good. Also whats easily forgotten in the 21st. Books. Books and more books.

We could also count the animated series that ran for a year. So really, its only about 5 years.

it's also often overlooked by modern fans that most 60's shows had their own autistic fandoms
The Addams Family, The Munsters, Bewitched, hell we could just as easily be talking about Lost in Space right now. Why Star Trek became the biggest mostly had to do with the fact that it was the one that was big enough to get a con going, and it was kind of on form there.

Optimistic vision of the future combined with wacky adventures.

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There were the movies as well.

Helps that the actors from the show were really involved with the fans. Their careers were practically made on Star Trek and not much else, and they seemed to be big fans of it.

God bless Deforest Kelley, I miss his striking blue eyes so fucking much bros.

>the animated series
That was way better than anyone could have foreseen. Why was it cancelled after just two seasons? And I just learned that all the characters were voiced by the original actors, amazing. That'd never come together today.

Kids need to know that there was a HUGE GAP between the Original Series (which ended in 1969) and the start of the Next Generation (1987). In between that gap, some TV station would ALWAYS be playing all three seasons in an eternal rerun. Not to mention the unending Star Trek conventions in that time.

>What the hell sustained the fandom for nearly two decades before they got a continuation of their beloved franchise?

I know right its almost like there was a bunch of new Star Trek stuff every few years or so in the 18 year gap between TOS and TNG.

Star Trek The Original Series - 1966-1969
Star Trek The Animated Series - 1973-1974
Star Trek The Motion Picture - 1979
Star Trek II The Wrath of Khan - 1982
Star Trek III The Search for Spock - 1984
Star Trek IV The Voyage Home - 1986

>good dialogue
>kino episodes
>great optimism for our own future
I could go on, but those are the top 3 in my book

Star Trek is faggot shit you’re all bitches.

I also liked TOS animated series, I'm glad theres the few of us that do appreciate it.

Get a load of this grup.

I disagree but I'll respect your opinion no matter how wrong it is.

Gene didn't like it and apparently Filmation didn't like making it either
Add to that Paramount not wanting to pay for it and the lackluster ratings

I don't think there are many Star Trek fans who'd dislike it. At worst they just don't care that much.
Still better than TOS S3 though.

Hi retard. There was
1. Books
2. An animated show from 73 to 74
3. Conventions
4. Movies from 79 to 91

I love original Star Trek, and I think you're a faggot.

>At worst they just don't care that much.
It's that everyone forgets that it existed, is all, user.
I loved watching it on Nickelodeon in the 80's because it was so relaxing and so much like the live action show.

It's no coincidence that the star trek general is the worst thread on Any Forums at all times.

Because there was no real sci-fi genre in tv/movies until Star Trek.

You mean normies?

Wrong, the worst threads are the Sopranos generals and the wire generals are stupid too.

the only real way to talk about it is to make a regular Star Trek thread and pray they don't see it before we can get some good discussion in

Last nigh was pretty good, we talked about the movies and TNG a lot with some DS9 discussion memes.

Even hardcore Trekkies forget, yes, I've witnessed it more than once. I always forget because regarding ST, I am a normie and do not know most of the inner workings and stories of the goings on behind the scenes.
Case in point, I don't remember ever seeing a ST general using a picture from the animated series, or it's been so rare that I've haven't caught it.

The old animated series isn't generally considered canon, unless it is.
Any Forums's trek posters also skew heavily toward the mid 90's stuff and little else.

Only the hardcore trekkies of /trek/ watch TAS. /trek/ itself is mostly TNG babbies with a side of DS9.

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I was more of a Star Wars fan. I said was because Disney just completely ass raped it. I liked TOS but not because what Trekkie’s like. I just liked Captain Kirk beating assholes up and fucking green bitches and Mr Spock being a total badass. I should have liked the Abram movies but the Khan one was awful

>I just liked Captain Kirk beating assholes up and fucking green bitches and Mr Spock being a total badass.
That's most TOS fans. TNGoons are the ones who think Star Trek is super high brow (it isn't).

Ok, I love TOS, TAS, TNG and their respective feature films and that's it. HATE Deep Space Nigger and Vaginager. Never bothered checking the rest.

star trek IV was "lets just go back in time, spock can figure it out"