What up-and-coming 2023 comedy talent should replace them?

What up-and-coming 2023 comedy talent should replace them?

Attached: SNLeaves.png (1324x1196, 1.5M)

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some fat nigger sheboon

Who cares

Do the writers make as much money as the performers? Cause that would be choice.

I’m 25 and I have never seen an episode of SNL, the only time I’ve encountered it is when boomer relatives send me unfunny youtube clips

based lorne making room for his next star

Maybe it’s okay that the west is dying

His yacht bit was kinda funny.

SNL hasn't been funny since Alec Baldwin left

it's so bad it's funny
they should let him on just to be awful so they get views and attention

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

Jewish woman and black obese woman

How the FUCK can SNL compete with the entire CHERDLY'S(tm) extended universe?

They haven't made a star in more than a decade. Keenan has been on forever because he can't get anything else. Show should've been over years ago. It's simply not funny. Shit, even as a kid, I liked Mad TV way more than this show. It always felt like boomer humor.

>"I've been killing it lately"
>Most viewed video is anti-gun nonsense with commenters mocking the guy
>Rest can't even reach 10k
SNL hire this man

Alec should come in and do a racist skit about cowboys accidentally shooting Indians.

I would actually watch SNL if they hired this guy

They're gonna hire then kid of some movie producer or one of the writer who's doing shit improv in Chicago

bobby lee's ex-girlfriend khalyla from hit all-woman podcast trash tuesday!!!

LeShawna Shebooni and Tyrone Biggums

why is he dressed like a 18-24 yearold from 2010?